DNC on Latest Black Male Unemployment Rate

DNC Senior Advisor Antjuan Seawright and DNC National Press Secretary Brandon Gassaway released the following statement on the Black male unemployment rate rising from 15.5% to 16.3% in June:

“In the Trump economy, Black men have largely been left out and left behind. Today’s numbers are staggering, but what is even more astounding is that this White House continues to pat itself on the back while millions of families fret under the uncertainty of what tomorrow may bring. This pandemic has been an anchor on Black communities throughout the country that were already struggling to sail. It has taken a disproportionate toll on our health, our jobs, and our lives—but our cries have fallen on the deaf ears of this administration.

Instead of protecting and expanding our access to health care the Trump administration has gone to court to strip it away. Instead of helping to stabilize this economic storm they have left the Heroes Act on the shelf. Instead of working to stop the spread of this lethal virus they have traversed the country doing pep rallies and turned wearing masks into a political issue.

This president and his administration have proven to be no friend to Black men and their families. We need leadership that solves problems rather than exacerbates them, who chooses partnership over partisanship, and puts the health and security of Americans over his own political ambition. We need to turn the page on recklessness and incompetence. We need Joe Biden.”