DNC on Latina Equal Pay Day
October 29, 2020
In observance of Latina Equal Pay Day, a day to raise awareness of the pay inequality that affects Latinas and their families across the United States, DNC Chair Tom Perez and DNC Hispanic Caucus Chair Iris Martinez released the following statement:
“Latinas typically earn only 55 cents for every dollar that white, non-Hispanic men do. That means that they have to work for almost two years to earn what white men earn in one. And now, they’re hurting from Trump’s failed response to the pandemic. Latinas are more likely to be frontline workers and more likely to become infected with COVID-19. Latinas head 3 million households, but face one of the highest unemployment rates of any group. Pay inequality doesn’t just hurt Latinas; it hurts their families, their communities, and our entire economy. Latinas have seen firsthand how this pandemic and this presidency have devastated our communities, and they deserve better leadership. Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Democrats down the ballot stand with Latinas in the fight for the equal pay and dignity they deserve.”