DNC on Mike Pence’s Visit to Ohio

DNC Midwest Press Secretary Mandy McClure released the following statement on Mike Pence’s visit to Columbus today:

“This afternoon Mike Pence’s tax scam roadshow is making a stop in Columbus to tout the Republican tax law that is causing health care premiums to skyrocket for working families while giving corporations and the wealthiest 1% massive tax breaks. While Pence repeats his claim that the Trump tax cut will benefit American workers, the bill is already causing health care costs to rise, unlikely to create jobs, and failing to raise wages. And despite Pence and the Trump administration's promises that the tax bill would pay for itself, the Congressional Budget Office concluded that the law will add more than $1.8 trillion to the national debt by 2028.


“Mike Pence has proven time and again that he cannot be trusted to tell Ohio voters the truth about his administration’s scam of a law. The Trump-GOP tax is clearly a bad deal for Ohio families, and despite Troy Balderson and the Trump administration’s best efforts to deceive Ohioans, they aren’t buying it. This fall, Ohio has the opportunity to elect Democrats like Danny O’Connor who will fight for solutions that actually help Ohio families, not just corporations.”


Here's how the Trump tax scam actually impacts Ohio families:

  • The top 1% of Ohio taxpayers are set to receive 27% of the tax cuts next year.

  • By 2027, the bill will raise taxes on average for lower-and middle-income Ohioans, while the top 1% of income earners would continue to get a large tax cut.