DNC on Nancy Pelosi’s Election as Speaker of the House

DNC Chair Tom Perez released the following statement:


“The speaker’s gavel is finally back where it belongs. Nancy Pelosi doesn’t just hold the title of first female Speaker of the House, she’s also one of the most effective legislators and leaders in our nation’s history. In the depths of the Great Recession, her leadership helped steer our nation back to economic prosperity. And because of her tenacity, millions of Americans have benefited from the Affordable Care Act and its protections for those with pre-existing conditions.

“Under Speaker Ryan, Republicans tried to take affordable health care away from the American people. They handed out massive tax breaks for their wealthy friends while leaving working families behind. And they marched in lockstep with Donald Trump’s regressive agenda that has now resulted in a disastrous government shutdown. In November, voters spoke loud and clear: enough is enough. It’s time to hold this administration accountable for its attacks on working families, civil rights, human rights, and the rule of law. The Democratic Party is back and we’re fighting for the brighter future every American deserves – from affordable health care to an economy that works for all. Under Speaker Pelosi and Democratic leadership in the House, we will restore the guardrails of our democracy and get our country back on track.”