DNC on SCOTUS Hearing ACA Case

DNC Chair Tom Perez released the following statement in response to news that the U.S. Supreme Court will hear the Trump-backed challenge to the Affordable Care Act this fall and issue a decision after Election Day:

“Make no mistake: health care and the makeup of the Supreme Court are on the ballot in 2020 –  and the American people know that when it comes to protecting their health care, the Democratic Party is the only party that has their back. The lives of millions have been thrown into chaos by Republicans and their allies seeking to overturn the Affordable Care Act. This case is yet another betrayal of the American people and a direct attack on the health and economic security of so many working families. There is no overstating the consequences of this year’s election. When Americans head to the polls on November 3, they will have a clear choice: a Democrat who will protect their health care, or a Republican who will take it away.”