DNC on the 58th Anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison released the following statement to recognize the 58th anniversary of the signing of the legislation that created Medicare and Medicaid: 

“58 years ago, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Medicare and Medicaid into law and forever transformed our nation’s health care system. These programs have served as a critical lifeline for so many seniors, families, children, people with disabilities, and Americans from all walks of life by finally allowing them to access the health care they need.

“Since President Biden and Vice President Harris took office two and a half years ago, they’ve fought tirelessly to bring down health care costs, including by passing and signing the Inflation Reduction Act – without the help of a single congressional Republican – to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices, cap seniors’ insulin costs at $35 a month, and create a $2,000 yearly cap on seniors’ out-of-pocket drug costs. At the same time, the administration is cracking down on junk insurance plans and taking steps to protect consumers from unfair medical debt.

“Instead of joining the Biden-Harris administration in working to lower health care costs for American families, many 2024 MAGA Republican hopefuls are not only campaigning on rolling back critical cost-saving provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act but also support ending Medicare as we know it. Despite these attacks, President Biden and Vice President Harris will keep fighting to make health care more affordable so that Americans can access the care they need – and that is why voters will send them back to the White House to finish the job.”