DNC on the Devastating Impact of the Coronavirus on Native American Tribes
July 31, 2020
As the coronavirus spreads across Native American communities nationwide, DNC Native Outreach Director Theresa Sheldon released the following statement:
“Trump’s failure to control the spread of the coronavirus is taking a devastating toll on Native Americans across the country. Due to an underfunded Indian Health Service, tribal citizens have limited access to hospitals, testing, and medical supplies, and exposure to the virus is catastrophic. Yet nothing is being done by the president to protect sick and vulnerable Native citizens. The continued inaction of this administration proves just how little they care about our health and safety. As America’s first inhabitants, Tribal Nations have endured tragedy and loss far too many times. The coronavirus, and Trump’s disastrous response to it, has unleashed a new threat facing these communities.
“As we‘ve faced 19 weeks straight of over one million additional Americans filing for unemployment, with more than 100,000 small businesses permanently closed, and the largest GDP drop on record, we must also remember the impact of the recession on our Native American communities who have lost tens of thousands of jobs at record rates. Native Americans can’t afford four more years of Donald Trump. We need to elect Joe Biden, who has a plan to control the coronavirus, build back the economy, and restore dignity, services and opportunities to Tribes.”