DNC on the Passing of United Steelworkers President Tom Conway

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison and DNC Labor Council Chair Stuart Appelbaum released the following joint statement on the passing of United Steelworkers President Tom Conway:

“We are devastated by the passing of our friend, United Steelworkers President Tom Conway. As an organizer, activist, and leader, Tom was a champion of labor in the truest sense of the term — always giving a voice to workers, fighting back against corporate greed, and protecting the dignity of work. Tom’s tireless love for labor and devotion to working people has left an indelible mark on the history of our nation. The labor movement and our country have been well served by his leadership and selflessness. We mourn this incredible loss and extend our deepest condolences to Tom’s family, friends, and the 1.2 million members and retirees that Tom so fiercely fought to represent every day. Today, we honor his tremendous legacy by continuing to fight for workers’ rights and protecting the dignity of work for future generation