DNC on Trump Administration Attacks on People with Disabilities

DNC Chair Tom Perez and DNC Disability Council Chair Tony Coelho released the following statement in response to the Trump administration’s efforts to overturn the Affordable Care Act and slash funding for programs that serve people with disabilities:


“The Trump administration and congressional Republicans have launched an all-out assault on people with disabilities and their families. Trump’s efforts to overturn the entire Affordable Care Act could take away health care from 20 million Americans who need it most. His budget would slash Medicaid, Social Security, and SNAP benefits that millions of people with disabilities rely on in order to live independently in their communities. And this administration is even trying to eliminate funding for programs like the Special Olympics that have long enjoyed bipartisan support for promoting inclusion and celebrating people with disabilities around the world.


“The disability community has fought tirelessly for their rights for decades and they won’t back down now. While Republicans try to roll back our progress, Democrats have the disability community’s back. We will continue to defend the rights of Americans with disabilities and work together to advance an agenda that expands opportunity for all.”