DNC on Trump’s Attacks on Documented Immigrants

DNC Chair Tom Perez released the following statement on the Trump administration’s new rule punishing documented immigrants:

“On the second anniversary of the tragedy in Charlottesville, Donald Trump continues to use his power to divide us. This time, he’s targeting documented immigrants who are paying taxes and playing by the rules.  This action could force immigrant families to choose between putting food on the table and getting the health care they need; it could even force them to leave the country they call home. Instead of treating these immigrants with the dignity they deserve, Trump and Republicans are kicking them to the curb.

“At a time when our country needs a president who will unite us, all Trump wants to do is attack Latino and immigrant communities. This administration’s appetite for cruelty is insatiable, and this new policy is just the latest escalation of Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda.

“Democrats believe diversity and compassion are our nation’s greatest strengths, and we will keep fighting these inhumane attacks at every turn.”