DNC on Women’s Equality Day
August 26, 2021
In honor of Women’s Equality Day, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison and DNC Women’s Caucus Chair Lottie Shackelford released the following statement:
“On this day one hundred and one years ago, suffragists catalyzed the adoption of the 19th Amendment, unlocking the right to vote for women in America. But movements led and powered by women would have to continue in the years that followed to ensure that the same right was fully granted to Black women and women of color. The political power of women has always been a force for driving our country forward and Democrats have worked tirelessly to advance progress for women in every respect — that includes the current fight to protect our sacred right to vote from Republican efforts to block access to the ballot box for Americans of all genders and ethnicities.
“From day one, the Biden administration and Democrats have made equal representation a priority, starting with the election of Kamala Harris, the first female vice president in American history, nominating a higher percentage of women to federal judgeships in his first six months than any of his predecessors did during their terms, and putting forward policies that are invested in the equity and equality of women.
“On this Women’s Equality Day there is still more work to be done. Black women, women of color, LGBTQ+ women, and trans women, still face discrimination, and Democrats are committed to ensuring that the promise of equality for women is fulfilled. We remain vigilant in our fight for equal pay, reproductive rights, and policies that will end gender discrimination. We honor the generations of women who revolutionized our country and advanced rights for us all, and on the shoulders of all the women who have never given up, we promise to continue fighting for full equality.”