DNC on Women’s Equality Day

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison and DNC Women’s Caucus Chair Lottie Shackelford released the following commemorating Women’s Equality Day

“Today marks 103 years since the nineteenth Amendment was enshrined in our Constitution, codifying a woman’s right to vote for the first time in our nation’s history. We also take this moment to recognize that many women of color had to wait until 1965 – less than 60 years ago – for their right to vote. This historic milestone would not have been possible without the dedication and tireless activism of women who fought to make sure that our democracy was reflective of our entire country.

“While we celebrate this historic day, we also recognize that we are pushing back against a coordinated effort to undermine the rights and freedoms of millions of Americans. We must continue fighting to build a future where every woman – and every American – has access to the ballot box, the freedom to make their own health care decisions, and the ability to live free from the threat of discrimination. 

“On this day, we honor the movements and the women who fought for women’s suffrage, and who continue to uplift the voices of women to ensure our government continues to represent those it serves. The Democratic Party is the party of progress, voting rights, and reproductive freedom and we will never stop carrying the legacy of the suffrage movement forward.”