DNC Releases New Video On The Disproportionate Economic Impact of COVID-19 on the Latinx Communities
June 30, 2020
This week, the Democratic National Committee released a new video, in English and Spanish, detailing the disproportionate economic impact COVID-19 and the Trump administration’s mismanagement of the crisis has had on the Latinx communities.
“Due to Donald Trump’s failure of leadership, the Latinx community is experiencing a disproportionate brunt of the impact COVID-19 has had in our cities and states across the country. Many Latinx Americans are essential front line workers – they are health care workers, farmworkers, and part of the manufacturing workforce – that don’t have the luxury of staying home during this health crisis, and yet they are being left behind by the Trump administration,” said DNC Hispanic Caucus Chair Iris Martinez. “While the unemployment rate has tripled since President Obama and Vice President Biden left office due to this administration’s mismanagement of the economic crisis, it’s evident that helping our community is not on Trump’s agenda.”
The economic data for the Latinx community is overwhelming and shows the deep economic pain the community is feeling. The unemployment rate for Latinx Americans currently sits at 17.6%, triple the unemployment rate when President Obama and Vice President Biden left office. The unemployment rate for Latinx Americans is also five points higher than it is for white Americans. Latinx business ownership has plunged by nearly one-third.
Donald Trump failed to prepare for this pandemic, and now Latinx families are paying the price of his inaction and incompetence.