DNC Statement Ahead of 2024 Republicans’ Georgia Cattle Call 

Ahead of the latest 2024 GOP cattle call at Erick Erickson’s The Gathering in Atlanta, DNC spokesperson Ammar Moussa released the following statement: 

“As the crowded 2024 GOP field flocks to their latest cattle call in Georgia, their extreme MAGA agendas will be on full display. Instead of campaigning on providing relief for hardworking families, 2024 Republicans are campaigning on their loser agenda of rigging the economy for the ultra-wealthy and big corporations, banning abortion nationwide, and gutting essential programs such as Social Security and Medicare. The contrast couldn’t be more clear: While 2024 Republicans will spend the weekend trying to out-MAGA each other with divisive and unpopular platforms, President Biden and Vice President Harris are continuing to build on the thousands of jobs and lower costs they’ve helped deliver for Georgians.”