DNC Statement Ahead of DeSantis’s Reagan Library Speech
March 5, 2023

Ahead of Ron DeSantis’s speech at the Ronald Reagan Library, DNC spokesperson Rhyan Lake released the following statement:
“As Ron DeSantis launches his shadow 2024 campaign, he’s bringing his extreme MAGA agenda with him – including his commitment to signing an abortion ban before many women know they’re even pregnant. What DeSantis won’t mention in his speech is that his desperate chase to win over the MAGA base is putting Floridians’ lives in danger and crushing them with skyrocketing costs.”
Here’s what else you need to know about DeSantis’s MAGA agenda:
Going back to 2018, DeSantis has repeatedly committed to signing a 6-week abortion ban into law.
Tallahassee Democrat: “DeSantis in his 2018 campaign for governor said during the Republican primary that he would support a law banning abortion when a fetal heartbeat is thought to be detected, usually around six weeks.”
Relatable with Allie Stuckey: QUESTION: “What do you think is coming down the pipeline for pro-life legislation in Florida?” DESANTIS: “Well, I think there’s a lot of support in Florida for heartbeat legislation.”
Click Orlando: “Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said he would sign a six-week abortion ban if and when it came to fruition during a news briefing Wednesday discussing the proposed ‘Framework for Freedom’ 2023-24 state budget. ‘We’re for pro-life. I urge the legislature to work, produce good stuff, and we will sign,’ DeSantis said.”
Daily Signal: “‘The upcoming 2023 Florida legislative session starts in March, and we look forward to working with the Florida Legislature to further advance protections for innocent life,’ [DeSantis’s] press secretary Bryan Griffin shared with The Daily Signal on Tuesday afternoon.”
Florida Politics: “Gov. DeSantis ‘ready to sign’ abortion ‘heartbeat bill’”
DeSantis is pushing to make it easier for criminals to buy guns.
Tallahassee Democrat: “Florida looks bound to soon allow people to carry guns without the need for a concealed weapons permit, a showcase, pro-gun move demanded by Gov. Ron DeSantis before his widely expected run for the Republican presidential nomination.”
Florida Sheriff John Mina: “As a law enforcement officer who has been serving this community for over 30 years, I vehemently oppose any type of permitless or open-carry legislation. I’m not alone. Many law enforcement leaders — even in states that allow it — oppose this senseless idea.”
Helping billionaires dodge their taxes and handing out tax giveaways to ultra-wealthy corporations and his billionaire donors is essential to DeSantis’s MAGA agenda.
Tallahassee Democrat: “Florida Senate approves insurance overhaul that hits homeowners hard”
Seeking Rents: “Last year, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and the Republican-controlled state Legislature teamed up to pass a pair of bills that made it easier for billionaires to hide their fortunes from the outside world — and from federal taxes.”
And while working families are being crushed by some of the highest health care costs in the nation, more than 1 million Floridians could have their health care coverage ripped away under DeSantis’s administration.
Spectrum News 13: “Studies show Florida hospital bills rank among the highest in the nation”
WUSF: “Study finds employees in Florida pay among the highest rates for health insurance”
Florida Politics: “As many as 1.75 million Floridians could lose Medicaid coverage once the state begins taking steps on April 1 to return its Medicaid program to pre-pandemic levels.”