DNC Statement on Christmas

As Christmas commences, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison released the following statement:

“Every year, people around the world come together to slow down, spend time with their loved ones, and reflect on the story of Christmas. It’s a 2,000 year old story that’s been told countless times, but its message remains true: remember to have hope, remember to have faith, and remember to spread joy. It’s a story of unity, of family, of celebration and a reminder of what’s truly important in life.

“This year, we hope that you spend this time resting, relaxing, and cherishing your precious time with your loved ones. We hope that you’re able to carry out your most treasured traditions, and create new memories to bring with you into the new year. And during this season of giving, we hope for the gift of a better, brighter tomorrow.

“We wish a very merry Christmas to all who celebrate, and may it bring you happiness and joy as you spend time with your family.”