DNC Statement on Earth Day 

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison and DNC Environment and Climate Crisis Council Chair Michelle Deatrick issued the following statement in celebration of Earth Day:

“Today, we celebrate those who work to protect our environment, and are reminded of the work that we must continue to achieve a more sustainable and safe world for generations to come.

“President Biden and Vice President Harris understand the urgency of the climate crisis, and we are proud that this administration has reasserted the United States as a leader in fighting climate change on the global stage, and has launched the most ambitious environmental and climate agenda in US history. Last year, President Biden and Democrats secured the largest-ever investment to fight the climate crisis with the passage of the landmark Inflation Reduction Act, making investments to spur a new clean energy economy and help reduce greenhouse emissions. 

“This administration is also focused on ensuring investments to combat the climate crisis reach all communities – including rural communities, communities of color, and low-income communities. With the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and new executive action announced this week, this administration has taken action to incorporate environmental justice and equity into climate resilience and adaptation planning. And as communities face unthinkable natural disasters exacerbated by the climate crisis, this administration has stood by them to ensure they have the disaster relief funds to rebuild and mitigate future disasters. 

“From Day One, the Biden-Harris administration has worked to chart a course toward a more sustainable and equitable future, and today we recommit ourselves to that goal and to protecting our planet for future generations.”