DNC Statement on Florida’s New Standards for Teaching American History

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison released the following statement in response to Florida’s new standards for teaching American History: 

“Instead of focusing on issues that matter to everyday Floridians, Ron DeSantis has remained hellbent on zeroing in on rolling back the freedoms of Floridians to make decisions about their own bodies, to read certain books in schools, and to learn about our full history. Florida’s new standards for teaching American history are nothing but a political stunt meant to push propaganda on our children and whitewash our country’s long, painful history with slavery and systemic racism. 

“Serving our children lies and propaganda to advance a political agenda is antithetical to everything we stand for as Americans. Just as our children deserve to know that our country was founded on the ideal that all people are created equal, they also deserve to learn about our country’s history with slavery and systemic racism. If our history has taught us one thing, it’s that learning and reflecting upon our past will allow us to truly form a more perfect union.

“As Vice President Harris said today, we will not stand idly by while MAGA extremists take away our freedoms and push forward revisionist history curriculums that are ignorant of the struggles that Black Americans experience in this country. The Biden-Harris administration has made it clear that we will continue to fight for all our freedoms, including the freedom to teach our children a full and accurate history of our nation.”