DNC Statement on June Medical Services v. Russo Oral Arguments

In response to the Supreme Court hearing oral arguments in June Medical Services v. Russo, the first abortion-related case heard by the court since Donald Trump appointed Brett Kavanaugh, DNC Chair Tom Perez issued the following statement: 

“Donald Trump has spent over three years remaking the federal judiciary with judges who have built their careers trying to gut Roe v. Wade while anti-choice Republicans force through dangerous legislation across the country restricting a woman’s right to choose. This case is just another tactic by Republicans to criminalize doctors and punish women for simply making decisions about their own bodies and their own lives.

“Trump and his Republican Party have proudly worn their ‘family values’ emblem as a badge of honor, but their hypocrisy is endless. Republicans claim to be advocates for women, but in reality, they have sabotaged nearly every attempt to make women equal partners in society, from undermining efforts to make equal pay a reality, to attacking the Violence Against Women Act, to chipping away at the most fundamental right we have as human beings: the right to control our own bodies and make our own health care decisions.

“Let’s be very clear: The Democratic Party trusts women. I trust women. We will always fight to ensure that women are treated as equal partners in society and are able to make personal health care decisions free from political interference.”