DNC Statement on Kentucky Gubernatorial Race

In response to Governor Andy Beshear’s victory in Kentucky, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison released the following statement:

“I am thrilled to congratulate Governor Andy Beshear on his reelection win tonight. Governor Beshear made clear his race was about vision versus division, and voters chose to send his steady, thoughtful leadership back to the Governor’s Mansion so he can continue to focus on growing the economy, investing in infrastructure, lowering costs, and keeping families safe. While his Trump-endorsed MAGA Republican opponent supported extreme abortion bans with no exceptions for rape or incest, Kentucky voters delivered a major rejection of that anti-choice agenda. 

“As we’ve seen time and again following the overturning of Roe v. Wade – no matter how red the state – voters across the political spectrum oppose GOP attempts to rip away their freedom. This major blow to the MAGA agenda is awful news to Republicans running in 2024.”
