DNC Statement on MAGA Extremist Mike Johnson

In response to House Republicans electing Mike Johnson as the new House speaker, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison issued the following statement

“After spending three weeks in total chaos, House Republicans have finally landed on their new speaker: election denying, anti-abortion MAGA extremist Mike Johnson. Most Americans don’t know MAGA Mike, but he was a mastermind behind House Republicans’ efforts to overturn the 2020 election, the cosponsor of legislation to institute an extreme abortion ban nationwide, and a proponent of cutting Social Security and Medicare. Speaker Johnson has proven that he is a loyal foot soldier to the real leader of the Republican Party – Donald Trump. Here’s some free advice for Mike Johnson: don’t get comfortable. We have been here before – this is the same exact MAGA extremism that the American people have already rejected – and they will do it again. After a 22-day meltdown, House Republicans’ days in the majority are numbered, and Democrats stand ready to take back the House and get to work delivering for the American people.”