DNC Statement on Memorial Day

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison and DNC Veterans and Military Council Co-Chairs Jan Donatelli and Terron Sims released the following statement in celebration of Memorial Day:

“This Memorial Day, we honor the American heroes who gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect our nation and safeguard our freedoms. We express our gratitude, while acknowledging that our words alone will never be able to repay the debt we owe to our fallen service members. 

“Democrats will always fight to ensure that veterans and military families get the respect and care they need, and deserve. In the past year, we’re proud to have passed legislation increasing access to medical care for veterans exposed to burn pits. We will also uphold our solemn duty to ensure that our country may live up to the values for which they selflessly gave their lives, including by protecting our freedoms and preserving our democracy. 

“Each and everyday, we’re committed to honoring the brave service members who laid down their lives in defense of the ideals and values we hold near and dear to us as Americans. These heroes will never be forgotten.”