DNC Statement on President Biden’s Historic Medicare Price Negotiation Announcement

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison released the following statement after the Biden-Harris administration announced the first ten drugs selected for Medicare drug price negotiation, a direct result of President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, which for the first time allows Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices to get a better deal for seniors: 

“For decades, Big Pharma has raked in billions while everyday Americans struggle to afford the medication they need. Just over a year ago, President Biden and Democrats stood up to Republicans, Big Pharma and special interests and passed the historic Inflation Reduction Act to extend a hand to working families. Today, as a result of that landmark legislation – which passed without a single Republican vote – Medicare has selected the first ten drugs for price negotiation. Millions of Americans depend on these vital drugs to treat serious conditions such as diabetes, cancer, and heart failure; these actions will help make these medications more affordable for seniors while saving taxpayer dollars – and it’s just the start. 

“As we celebrate this historic progress, we must not forget that Republicans tried their hardest to prevent these historic cost-saving provisions from becoming law, and now, they’re threatening to repeal the IRA even as millions of Americans are beginning to see lower health care costs. That’s why it’s never been more critical to re-elect President Biden and Vice President Harris to finish the job, safeguard accessible health care, and ensure American families don’t have to choose between paying for their medication or putting food on the table.”