DNC Statement on Primaries in Arizona, Illinois, Kansas, Ohio, and Florida 

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison released the following statement on today’s primaries in Arizona, Illinois, Kansas, Ohio, and Florida:

“Today’s primaries underline what we’ve seen over and over again this cycle: voters are excited to cast their ballot for Democrats, and send MAGA extremists packing. From Arizona to Ohio, the Democratic coalition is built on the diversity and strength of voters who know just how much is on the line this November. Donald Trump and extreme MAGA Republicans are campaigning to gut Medicare and Social Security, repeal the Affordable Care Act, and rip away reproductive rights. But we won’t let them.

“Between now and November, Democrats will continue to meet voters where they are, in every corner of this country, so that we can outline the stakes of this election, earn their vote, earn their trust, and once again earn Democratic victories up and down the ballot – from the school board to the White House.”