DNC Statement on the Start of Ramadan

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison released the following statement to mark the beginning of Ramadan:

“For Muslim families around the world, Ramadan is a sacred time of introspection, prayer, and fasting. It is a time to set intentions and make meaningful memories with loved ones. While many of us race through life, Ramadan asks us to slow down, look inward, and take stock of everything we have to be grateful for. 

“As the Muslim community prepares for Ramadan, we recognize the pain that many Muslim Americans are feeling as Palestinians in Gaza, innocent women and children, are struggling to survive and feed their families amid dire conditions. For far too many, this Ramadan will be the first without their children, parents, and loved ones. Every year, Ramadan is a moment for reflection and renewal – but this Ramadan in particular, let’s hold our loved ones close, join our families in prayer, and honor this holy month with our Muslim American friends. Ramadan Mubarak.”