DNC Statement on Tom Cotton’s North Carolina Trip

Just weeks after a North Carolina judge ruled to reinstate an abortion ban that criminalizes doctors and people seeking reproductive health care, Tom Cotton is heading to North Carolina to fundraise with the North Carolina Republican Party for conservative judges who could expand their reach into North Carolinians’ personal medical decisions. DNC spokesperson Ammar Moussa released the following statement ahead of Cotton’s visit:

“As Tom Cotton heads to the Tar Heel State, he’ll feel right at home with North Carolina Republicans like Ted Budd who agree with his agenda of ripping away reproductive freedom from North Carolinians.”

Cotton vowed that overturning Roe v. Wade was just the beginning of the Republican Party’s anti-abortion agenda and touted Arkansas’s trigger ban that included no exceptions for rape or incest.

Tom Cotton: “Winning in the courts and in Congress is of course a part of an essential path to victory. When Roe falls, a great injustice will be rectified, a great rebuke to our nation’s values will be reconciled, and millions of innocent souls will be saved. But even on that day, our work as a movement will not be complete.”

Tom Cotton: “I commend @AGRutledge for her efforts to protect the unborn in Arkansas. This is a momentous day.”

Cotton called Linsdey Graham’s extreme national abortion ban a “reasonable” proposal, and has co-sponsored previous versions of the national abortion ban. 

Tom Cotton on Fox News: “Linsdey Graham has proposed something the Senate has voted on in the past which is reasonable restrictions on late-term abortions…” 

Tom Cotton: “I’m proud to reintroduce the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. I look forward to working with my colleagues to promote a culture of life and bring this legislation to the floor for a vote.”

Tom Cotton’s war on women goes further than restricting abortion access. 

2022: Tom Cotton voted against the omnibus spending bill that included reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act.

2021: Tom Cotton voted against the Paycheck Fairness Act.

Tom Cotton will fit right in with the NCGOP, who have nominated anti-abortion extremist Ted Budd as their candidate for U.S. Senate. Budd has cosponsored  the House version of Linsdey Graham’s most recent national abortion ban, and supports a total abortion ban with no exceptions for victims of rape or incest. 

Raleigh News & Observer: “U.S. Rep. Ted Budd expressed his support this week for a new proposal to ban abortion nationwide that has been poorly received by many of his fellow Republicans on Capitol Hill, including top leaders in the Senate.”

WRAL: “On the campaign trail, the congressman has indicated his opposition to abortion in all cases, including rape or incest.”