Donald Trump By The Numbers

36% – Donald Trump’s approval rating

11% – The drop-off in Trump’s support from members of his own party since April.

51% – Americans who disapprove of Trump’s handing of the economy.

63% – Americans who disapprove of Trump’s handling of the Russia investigations.

50% – Americans who disapprove of Trump’s handling of terrorism.

66% – Americans who think the Russia investigations is a serious or critical issue.

81% – Americans who don’t think Trump should try to stop Mueller’s investigation.

56% – Americans who think the special counsel’s investigation will be impartial.

64% – Americans who think Trump is more interested in protecting his administration from investigation than protecting the U.S. from Russian interference

57% – Americans who believe James Comey over Trump.

68% – Trump voters in West Virginia who have very serious or somewhat serious concerns about the lack of public hearings for Senate Republicans’ secret health bill.

57% – Trump voters in Alaska who have very serious or somewhat serious concerns about the lack of public hearings for Senate Republicans’ secret health bill.

55% – Trump voters in Nevada who have very serious or somewhat serious concerns about the lack of public hearings for Senate Republicans’ secret health bill.

29% – Americans who support Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris agreement.

18% – Americans who agree with Trump’s claim that pulling out of the Paris agreement will help the U.S. economy.

64% – Americans who disapprove of Trump’s handling of climate change.

57% – Americans who say the courts were correct in blocking Trump’s travel ban.