Donald Trump Has An “Undeniably Trump-Driven” Project 2025 Agenda

Hi all –

Tonight on the debate stage, Donald Trump is going to try to hide from what voters already know: that his extreme and wildly unpopular Project 2025 agenda is “undeniably a Trump-driven operation” – and if given the chance, he and his Project 2025-backed VP pick JD Vance will enact their horrifying vision starting on Day One.

Here are the facts about Donald Trump’s clear ties to Project 2025:

And it’s no surprise why Trump is going all-out trying to hide his clear-cut connections to Project 2025. This extreme agenda is full of wildly out-of-touch and toxic policy proposals that drive away voters, such as:

  • Banning abortion nationwide with or without Congress.
  • Threatening access to IVF and contraception.
  • Gutting checks and balances to give Trump unprecedented power over our lives while undermining our democracy.
  • Tax giveaways to the billionaires and tax hikes on the middle class.
  • Ending the Department of Education and ripping away funds from public schools.
  • Rolling back student loan debt relief for those who need it most.

Bottom Line: No matter what lies Trump tries to tell on stage tonight, there’s no hiding from the fact that his Project 2025 agenda was written for him by his extreme, close allies – but voters can stop him from ever getting the chance to enact it this November.


Alex Floyd

Rapid Response Director

Democratic National Committee