Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor Calls Him a ‘Useful Idiot’ for Russia

In a podcast interview today, Donald Trump’s former National Security Advisor John Bolton once again highlighted how the former president proved to be helpful in advancing Vladimir Putin’s goals while undermining our allies.

Bolton took to “The Bill Press Pod” to make clear his thoughts on Vladimir Putin’s relationship with Donald Trump, implying that Putin may have waited to invade because he thought Trump would win reelection, and expected Trump to pull out of NATO and turn his back on American allies. 

“The Leninist phrase is ‘useful idiot,’ and they haven’t forgotten that in Moscow.” – John Bolton

This isn’t the first time John Bolton has called out Donald Trump for cozying up to murderous dictators and prioritizing his personal politics over protecting the United States and our allies: 

Washington Post: “Bolton has now said repeatedly that this simply isn’t how it went down. And in fact, he’s made quite the opposite case: that Putin didn’t do stuff like this during Trump’s presidency because Trump was already doing the work for him — specifically, by undermining NATO. And it’s a case that tracks with plenty of what we already knew, even as few Trump allies-turned-critics have seen fit to weigh in publicly of late.”

Business Insider: “Ex-Trump national security advisor John Bolton says ‘Putin saw Trump doing a lot of his work for him,’ so he chose not to invade Ukraine”

The Hill: “Bolton: ‘Putin saw Trump doing a lot of his work for him’”

Mother Jones: “John Bolton: Trump Cared More About a ‘Spaghetti Bowl of Conspiracy Theories’ Than Ukraine”

President Biden is doing what Donald Trump wouldn’t – standing with our allies against Russian aggression, standing up to Putin, and supporting the people of Ukraine: 

Yahoo News: “President Biden’s approval rating for his handling of Russia and Ukraine has risen 5 percentage points since the start of the war in Eastern Europe more than two weeks ago, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll — including a 12-point gain among self-described independent voters.”

Washington Post Editorial Board: “Opinion: For now, Biden’s best course on Ukraine is the one he’s on”
