Editorial Boards Across the Country Highlight Trump-GOP Disastrous Health Repeal

Republicans are working behind closed doors to pass their unpopular heath repeal bill in secret.

Boston Globe: The GOP’s sneak attack on health care

So what changes are being made, and how would the Senate Republicans bill address the problems the CBO found in the House measure?

We don’t know. There have been no hearings, no released drafts, no informational meetings. What’s more, this week, the Senate bill-writers will finish their draft and send it to the Congressional Budget Office for analysis without releasing the legislation to the public. […]

But when legislation is treated with such secrecy, it’s obviously not because lawmakers think their constituents will be pleased when they learn the details.

This process alone is reason enough to vote against any bill that emerges from it. Those senators who support this hurry-up legislation should expect to be held accountable for doing so — even if the bill fails.


New York Times: The Senate Hides Its Trumpcare Bill Behind Closed Doors

There is no mystery why the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, is trying to push this bill through quickly. The legislation would repeal major provisions of the Affordable Care Act. Opening it to scrutiny before a vote would be the congressional equivalent of exposing a vampire to sunlight.


San Francisco Chronicle: Senate should not hide health care bill

Washington Republicans know they have a problem when President Trump calls the party’s prized health care plan “mean.” That’s partly why nervous GOP senators are hiding from the public while devising changes to a rough-edged blueprint handed them by the House.


Baltimore Sun: An unhealthy secrecy shrouds the Senate's bill to replace Obamacare

Their plan is to hold no hearings before the vote and take no input on the bill from experts, advocates or the public. There will be no committee hearings, no opportunity for amendments. Nothing, despite the fact that the only thing currently on the table, the American Health Care Act to repeal Obamacare that was passed May 4, has an approval rating below 20 percent.


Wisconsin State JournalSlow down and get health care bill right

Now the U.S. Senate is secretly drafting its own sweeping replacement of former President Barack Obama’s health care law, with few details reaching the public.

Argus Leader: Too much secrecy with health care bill


Considering the AHCA has failed to generate majority public support in any of the 50 states – including South Dakota, not exactly a Democratic stronghold – this process can only be seen as strategically designed to avoid public scrutiny of the bill’s merits.


Peoria Journal Star: Shush … It’s Only Your Health Care

Nothing good happens under cover of darkness in D.C. The Republican diet on Capitol Hill is being supplemented with heavy doses of vitamin D these days, so sunshine-deprived is the GOP’s American Health Care Act.


Idaho Mountain Express: McConnell buries health-care debate in back room

Rather than returning from bitter partisanship to reasoned deliberation as promised, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is engaged in winner-take-all tactics that have buried the health-care debate in a back room.


Bangor Daily News: The three pillars of Republican health care reform: sabotage, speed, secrecy

Secrecy breeds suspicion, so there is good reason to be very suspicious of a health care bill crafted by the Senate’s Republican leaders. They are being extremely secretive about the details of health care legislation that would repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. We fear Republicans’ efforts to keep the bill hidden mean that, like the House Republican bill, their legislation will leave millions of American without health insurance while driving up costs and weakening protections for others.


Washington Examiner: Republicans, bring your healthcare bill out for inspection


Meanwhile, Trump and Republicans are sabotaging health insurance markets by creating uncertainty.

Lexington Herald Leader: Loss of health care on McConnell

Aside from dodging responsibility for the disruptions in people’s lives, Republicans also are trying to dodge this reality: Their actions and inaction sabotaged the insurance exchanges created by the Affordable Care Act. They caused the uncertainty cited by insurers such as Anthem Inc. when it announced that it would leave the Ohio market next year.


Columbus Dispatch: Stop bickering, fix health care

Congress now looks as unhinged as the president, frightening vulnerable Americans and making insurers skittish.

In announcing it was pulling out of Ohio’s Obamacare exchange for 2018, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield cited, in part, uncertainty over federal reimbursements and regulations.


The Cap Times: Wisconsin needs to elect leaders who know health care is a right

Vice President Mike Pence was in Milwaukee Saturday on another failed mission to defend the assault on health care protections by President Donald Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan. Pence offered no reassurances about the federal plan.


The bottom line is that Trump and Republicans are hurting millions of Americans across the country.

Des Moines Register: Trump protects nursing homes at seniors' expense

Fear of litigation encourages homes to hire adequate staff, train them and provide good care. Apparently homes have little to fear under the Trump administration. The same cannot be said for sick, disabled and elderly Americans.


Seattle Times: Washington families have a lot to lose if ACA goes away

Instead of helping make health insurance more affordable for families, President Donald Trump and Senate Republicans want to help the wealthy pay lower taxes.


Star Tribune: GOP senators from Midwest shouldn't aid in gutting Medicaid

Minnesota’s two senators, both Democrats, are not expected to vote for this harmful legislation. But families who depend on Medicaid in neighboring states could well have their Senate representatives cast a party-line vote in favor of the bill. South Dakota and Iowa each have two Republican senators; North Dakota and Wisconsin each have one.

That’s troubling when the Medicaid data show how important the program is to Upper Midwest states.

In North Dakota, 1 in 4 children are covered by Medicaid, as well as 1 in 3 disabled people and 1 in 2 nursing home residents. In South Dakota, 1 in 3 children get care through Medicaid. So do 50 percent of nursing home residents and 40 percent of those who are disabled.

In Iowa, Medicaid covers 40 percent of children and 40 percent of those with disabilities, as well as half of nursing home residents. In Wisconsin, 60 percent of nursing home residents depend on Medicaid. So do 1 in 3 Wisconsin children and 1 in 2 Wisconsin citizens with disabilities. (In Minnesota, it’s 1 in 4 children and half of nursing home residents and people with disabilities.)