Fact Check: Drug Costs Have Increased Under Trump
August 27, 2020
Trump just claimed that prescription drug costs went down because of him. He’s said this many times before, but it’s never been true. In fact, drug costs have consistently increased under his watch.
Prescription drug costs consistently increased while Trump was in office.
GoodRx: “Drug prices are growing faster than any other commodity or service”
AARP Public Policy Institute: “Rx price watch report: brand name drug prices increase more than twice as fast as inflation in 2018”
GoodRx: “The report focuses on data from January 1 to October 31, 2019 and includes the following findings: 629 brand and generic drugs increased in price by an average of 8.2%.”
GoodRx: “These 60-plus increases add to the 857 brand and generic drugs that already increased in price by an average of 6.8% from January 1 to June 30, 2020.”
GoodRx: “Every year, drug manufacturers raise the price of their drugs in January and July, and this year is no different. So far this July, 67 drugs have increased in cost by an average of 3.1%, surpassing the price increases we saw last July.”
Trump has repeated this claim many times, and it’s never been true.
Politico: “Some major companies like Pfizer and Merck have frozen or rolled back price hikes, but most price changes have been symbolic and haven’t affected the companies’ bottom lines.”
FactCheck.org: “Trump is wrong to say drug prices decreased last year for the first time in ‘51 years,’ as we’ve explained before, and that talking point is now outdated. By the administration’s own measure, the drop was the first decrease in five-and-a-half years, and the recent data shows drug prices have now increased… the year-over-year measure has now gone up for nine months straight.”