FOX NEWS POLL: Biden Scores High Marks On Handling COVID Crisis

A new Fox News poll confirms what we’ve been saying for months: President Biden is delivering for Americans. Americans agree that President Biden has handled COVID exceptionally well, and thanks to his leadership, they are more optimistic that we can beat this pandemic once and for all.

Fox News Poll: Voters see progress on COVID, most still wearing masks

  • The survey, released Thursday, finds 46 percent of voters say coronavirus in the U.S. is completely or mostly under control. That’s up from 29 percent last month and just 18 percent who felt that way in December.

  • Overall, the share seeing coronavirus as a major threat to the stability of the U.S. is down 12 points from a year ago and now stands at 55 percent.

  • President Joe Biden gets his best marks for handling the pandemic … His ratings are in positive territory by 30 points, as 64 percent approve and 34 percent disapprove, up from 58-34 percent last month.

  • More than one third of Republicans, 37 percent, approve of Biden on coronavirus — the highest marks he receives from the GOP on any issue tested.
