GOP Strategists Know Ripping Away IVF Access Will Hurt Republicans At the Ballot Box – But MAGA is Pushing It Anyway
February 23, 2024
GOP strategists are trying to rein in Republicans from touting their party’s support for “personhood” abortion bans that could restrict access to IVF, telling candidates to hide their extreme agendas. In response, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement:
“If MAGA Republicans supported protecting IVF, then they wouldn’t be pushing total abortion bans that could jeopardize IVF after packing the Supreme Court full of anti-choice extremists who overturned Roe v. Wade. Republican strategists can tell their candidates to hide behind weak talking points all they want, but the reality is their extreme MAGA field would only further strip away women’s reproductive freedom.”
Republican strategists are telling candidates to hide from their own party platform, which calls for a constitutional amendment that could restrict access to IVF.
Politico: “The existing Republican platform has consistently called for a ‘human life’ amendment to the constitution and legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to ‘unborn children.’”
TIME: “In theory, fetal personhood laws could impact the use of in vitro fertilization (IVF), a procedure that uses a combination of medicines and surgical procedures to help sperm fertilize an egg and then implant the embryo into the uterus.”
So-called “personhood” abortion bans that Republicans are pushing across the country could not only jeopardize access to IVF but could even lead to criminal prosecution of women for having an abortion.
Bloomberg: “Because personhood laws grant a zygote, embryo or fetus rights equal to those of the pregnant woman, the latter may be held criminally liable for harm that comes to the former. Those who obtain an abortion could be charged with murder. The laws could make it more likely that those who miscarry are investigated for negligently or intentionally ending their pregnancies, with some of them prosecuted.”
New Republic: “While anti-abortion advocates long hoped for the 1973 decision to be overturned, the assumption was that its demise would allow some states to outlaw abortion and other states to legalize it. Advocates hoped that recognizing fetal personhood in the Fourteenth Amendment or through other means would essentially lead to a national ban on the procedure.”