GOP Tax Scam Hurts Nevadan Families

In response to Rep. Mark Amodei and House Republicans voting to pass the GOP tax plan, DNC spokesperson Vedant Patel released the following statement:

“Rep. Mark Amodei and his House Republicans voted today to increase taxes on Nevada’s middle-class families – and provide massive giveaways to billionaires and wealthy corporations. The GOP tax plan is full of hidden hits to middle-class Nevadan families and leaves a massive hole in the federal deficit, hurting our ability to invest in programs working families rely on.  No matter what they’ve said before about helping all Americans, House Republicans like Rep. Mark Amodei are throwing working families under the bus by supporting a tax plan that makes drastic cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, education, and other programs Nevadans rely on every day, just to pay for permanent tax cuts for the wealthiest and corporations. Democrats know that our elected officials are supposed to serve the people they represent. That’s why we will continue fighting for the economic security and opportunity every family deserves.”

By the Numbers:

  • The richest 1% of Nevada taxpayers will receive up to 56% of the tax cuts under House Republican tax plan.
  • The richest 1% of Nevadans will receive an average tax cut of $152,110, about 230 times more than what the average middle income family would get.
  • 11% of middle-income taxpayers in Nevada would even see their taxes go up, by $800 on average.
  • College students in Nevada will also be hurt, because the House tax scam makes student loans more expensive. 76,595 graduates in Nevada take advantage of the student loan interest deduction House Republicans want to eliminate, saving $1,012 on average.
  • Nevada’s seniors will find it harder to save for retirement or cover their medical bills. In fact, the House GOP tax scam would take away all Nevadans ability to deduct their medical expenses. 71,524 Nevada residents deducted their medical expenses in 2014, saving $8,737 on average.