Here’s What People Are Saying About Nicole Shanahan’s Sarah Palin Moment

“Head Scratcher Of A Response”… “Off The Rails”…“Incomprehensible Word Salad”… “In Over Her Head” … “Made Its Way Around The Internet For All The Wrong Reasons”… “Her Answer Was… A Cornucopia”…“Rattled Off A Series Of Baffling Reasons”

In the nearly three months since she was named as RFK Jr.’s running mate, Nicole Shanahan had yet to do a sitdown TV interview. This week, we learned why. And people are talking. 

In an interview with Los Angeles’ Fox 11 News anchor Elex Michaelson, Shanahan noted the “positive” aspects of the Dobbs decision, just days before the anniversary of Roe v. Wade being overturned. She went on to express opposition to mandating measles and polio vaccines, doubling down on deadly policies that put children’s lives at risk. And when asked about her top qualifications to be commander-in-chief, she cited her knowledge of “world religions” and “semiconductors.” 

Her unserious answers show that she is in no way qualified to serve as vice president. It raises serious questions about RFK Jr.’s judgment that he chose her to serve as his VP nominee and underscores how desperate his campaign is for cash. 


The Daily Beast: Nicole Shanahan Lists Reasons She’d Be a Good Prez—And They Make No Sense

Mediaite: RFK Jr.’s Running Mate Defends Readiness to Lead With Her Knowledge of ‘Batteries’ and ‘Semiconductors’

New York Post: RFK Jr.’s running mate Nicole Shanahan’s baffling reasons why she’d be a great president

Key Excerpts

The Daily Beast: Nicole Shanahan Lists Reasons She’d Be a Good Prez—And They Make No Sense

Key Excerpt: Nicole Shanahan stumbled at times Thursday in her first major TV interview since joining Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential ticket… the interview is sure to be most remembered for a dizzying 60 seconds where she laid out an oddly-specific list of things that she believes would make her a great commander in chief…The head-scratcher of a response went further off the rails shortly after…Others who knew her, however, shared their horror at the idea that she is a step away from the presidency.”

Mediaite: RFK Jr.’s Running Mate Defends Readiness to Lead With Her Knowledge of ‘Batteries’ and ‘Semiconductors’

Key Excerpt: Nicole Shanahan, the running mate of independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., did a rare sit-down with Fox 11 in Los Angeles to discuss where she stood on a variety of issues — but one clip from the interview made its way around the internet for all the wrong reasons. In the interview for The Issue Is with host Elex Michaelson that was posted on Thursday, Shanahan was asked about one of the responsibilities of any vice president — becoming the president if the person atop the ticket was unable to lead. Would she be prepared for such a situation, and what qualified her? Her answer was… a cornucopia […] Democratic strategist Lis Smith posted this part of the interview on Twitter/X, calling it Shanahan’s ‘Sarah Palin moment,’ referring to Palin’s various displays of ignorance on a number of issues while she was Sen. John McCain’s running mate in 2008, famously her interviews with Katie Couric.”

New York Post: RFK Jr.’s running mate Nicole Shanahan’s baffling reasons why she’d be a great president

Key Excerpt: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s running mate Nicole Shanahan rattled off a series of baffling reasons in an interview Thursday about why she would make a great president if she had to step into the role — including her knowledge of ‘batteries’ and ‘world religions.’”


Carla ‘Bluechecked’ Marinucci @cmarinucci: 👀👇👇Polio? Smallpox? Measles? Read some history, @NicoleShanahan.

Meghan McCain @MeghanMcCain: I’ve been around a really long time but this is the first time I’ve ever heard a person say they should be president because they “understand semiconductors”…..

Brian Tyler Cohen @briantylercohen: This is incomprehensible word salad. The notion that Nicole Shanahan is qualified to be POTUS because she “understands how we build batteries around the world” distills perfectly how in over her head she is.