ICYMI: DNC Slams Trump for Calling Milwaukee a “Horrible City”

Last week, in just one of many unhinged comments during his visit to Capitol Hill, Donald Trump called Milwaukee – where the RNC will host its convention in July – a “horrible city.” When called out for it, Republican sycophants lied on his behalf, offering conflicting accounts of what happened, only to be humiliated as Trump doubled down on his false attacks on Milwaukee.

In response, the DNC rolled out ten billboards with two new ads across Milwaukee, because Trump himself needs to answer for his insult to the beautiful city of Milwaukee. This cycle, the DNC is making sure Wisconsinites – and voters across the nation – know just how Trump feels about them. 

Democratic National Committee Spokesperson Addy Toevs issued the following statement:

“Donald Trump has made his contempt for Wisconsinites and their home clear. Last week, he called Milwaukee – which will host the RNC in July – a ‘horrible city.’ The dislike is mutual – in 2020, Wisconsin handed Trump a one way ticket back to exile in Mar-a-Lago and sent President Biden to the Oval Office. In November, they’ll do it again. Thanks to President Biden, Wisconsinites are seeing job creation, higher wages, and lower costs on things like prescription drugs and health care. That’s in sharp contrast to Trump, who cost Wisconsin more than 80,000 jobs during his term, incentivized companies to ship jobs overseas, and rolled back worker protections. Trump hates Milwaukee because Milwaukeeans know exactly who he is – a sore loser who they’re going to make a two-time loser this November.” 

Check out some of the coverage below:

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Democrats launch billboards in Milwaukee after Trump says it’s a ‘horrible city’

Key Point: National Democrats are looking to draw attention to former Republican President Donald Trump’s Thursday comment that Milwaukee is a “horrible city” by launching 10 billboards with his face and those words.

“Democratic National Committee spokesperson Addy Toevs in a statement said Trump had ‘made his contempt for Wisconsinites and their home clear.’

“Wisconsin is a key swing state in the Nov. 5 election, which is expected to be a rematch of the 2020 race that pitted Trump, then the incumbent, against Democrat Joe Biden.

“‘The dislike is mutual — in 2020, Wisconsin handed Trump a one way ticket back to exile in Mar-a-Lago and sent President Biden to the Oval Office. In November, they’ll do it again,’ Toevs said in the statement.”

Axios: Exclusive: DNC launching billboards hitting Trump over Milwaukee comments

Key Point: “‘Donald Trump has made his contempt for Wisconsinites and their home clear,’ DNC Deputy communications director Abhi Rahman said in a statement.”

Newsweek: Donald Trump ‘Horrible’ Quote To Appear on Billboards Across Milwaukee

Key Point: “The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has announced plans to run a new billboard campaign across Milwaukee featuring an alleged disparaging comment former President Donald Trump made about the city.

“The former president is said to have told a group of House Republicans that the largest city in the key swing state of Wisconsin is a ‘horrible city’ during a closed-door meeting on Thursday.”

CNN: Democrats pounce on Trump calling Milwaukee ‘horrible’

Key Point: “The Democratic National Committee said Friday it was launching 10 billboards across the city featuring Trump’s comments. President Joe Biden’s campaign immediately began selling T-shirts and stickers with images of Wisconsin, with Milwaukee’s location marked on them, and the words: ‘(Not) a Horrible City.’”

Washington Post: Democrats seize on disputed report that Trump called Milwaukee ‘horrible’

Key Point: “Democrats are seizing on a report — denied by Donald Trump — that the former president insulted Milwaukee as a ‘horrible city’ during a closed-to-the-press meeting Thursday with House Republicans on Capitol Hill. 

“‘I happen to love Milwaukee,’ Biden said in a social media post Thursday, sharing a photo of him posing with the Milwaukee Bucks at the White House in 2021.”

The Guardian: Democrats seize on Trump’s ‘horrible city’ remark about Milwaukee for ads

Key Point: “In a graphic sign of the high stakes, the Democratic election machine swiftly commissioned several billboards to be erected in Milwaukee, the local newspaper the Journal Sentinel reported.

“One featured a picture of Trump next to an image of the X post that broke the story. ‘TRUMP TO HOUSE REPUBLICANS: ‘Milwaukee, where we are having our convention, is a horrible city,’ it read.

“The other had the incriminating quote next to a picture of the former president against a red background.

“Ten billboards are planned to be placed throughout the city in the run-up to the convention to maximise the words’ effect.”

ABC: Republicans, Trump work to clarify Milwaukee ‘horrible city’ comment as Democrats, Biden seize on it

Key Point: “‘If Donald Trump thinks Milwaukee is so horrible, then he shouldn’t come to our city,’ Wisconsin Democratic Coordinated Campaign Manager Garren Randolph said in a statement. ‘Milwaukee — our state’s largest and most diverse city and home to more than 577,000 people, the Bucks and Brewers, and the country’s best beer — deserves better than a convicted felon, racist, and wannabe dictator who hates us and our values.’”

The Hill: DNC launches Milwaukee billboards with Trump ‘horrible’ city comment

Key Point: “The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is launching ten new billboards in the Milwaukee area spotlighting former President Trump’s alleged remarks calling Milwaukee a ‘horrible city,’ according to the DNC.

“The billboards include Trump’s face alongside bold capital letters that says, ‘Milwaukee, where we are having our convention, is a horrible city,’  attributing the quotation to ‘Donald J. Trump.’”

Vanity Fair: Trump Slams Milwaukee As “Horrible” Ahead of RNC. Democrats Are Using It To Campaign.

Key Point: “The Democratic National Committee is funding billboards in 10 locations across Milwaukee, Axios reported. Half of the billboards will show Trump’s comments in all caps, while the other half will feature the X post from Punchbowl News founder Jake Sherman, who reported the news.”

New York Post: Trump calls RNC site Milwaukee a ‘horrible city’ — and Wisconsin Republicans leap to his defense 

Key Point:The Democratic National Committee was quick to respond to the remark and highlight Trump’s loss in Wisconsin to Joe Biden four years ago.”

Washington Times: DNC buys 10 billboards in Milwaukee to amplify Trump’s ‘horrible city’ comment

Key Point: “‘The dislike is mutual – in 2020, Wisconsin handed Trump a one-way ticket back to exile in Mar-a-Lago and sent President Biden to the Oval Office. In November, they’ll do it again,’ DNC spokeswoman Addy Toevs said.

“Mr. Biden piled on, posting a picture of him celebrating the Milwaukee Bucks’ 2021 NBA championship with the comment: ‘I happen to love Milwaukee.’”

Washington Examiner: Democrats jump on Trump’s ‘horrible city’ comments with billboards plastering Milwaukee

Key Point: “Democrats are leaping to capitalize on reports former President Donald Trump called Republican National Convention host Milwaukee a ‘horrible city,’ a remark his campaign has rejected. The Democratic National Committee has quickly rolled out billboards in the swing-state city displaying his alleged comments.

“The effort will feature 10 billboards, the majority on portions of I-43 and I-94, in Milwaukee. The DNC is pushing voters in the already Democratic-leaning area away from Trump in a state he lost by less than 1 point in 2020.”

Wisconsin Examiner: Trump tells House Republicans Milwaukee is a ‘horrible city’

Key Point: “In response to the comment, Democrats said if Trump doesn’t like Milwaukee, he doesn’t need to come. 

“‘If Donald Trump hates Milwaukee so much, we have one message for him: don’t come, we won’t miss you — your campaign is barely here in the first place,’ Democratic National Committee spokesperson Addy Toevs said in a statement. ‘In November, Wisconsinites will show Trump how the dislike is mutual and will reject him again once and for all.’”

WPR: Democrats look to use Donald Trump’s ‘horrible city’ comment as rallying cry 

Key Point: “The Democratic National Committee announced its billboard campaign Friday. The DNC will roll out ten new billboards across Milwaukee with Trump’s quote on it.

“‘Trump hates Milwaukee because Milwaukeeans know exactly who he is — a sore loser who they’re going to make a two-time loser this November,’ DNC spokesperson Addy Toevs said in a statement. 

“President Joe Biden narrowly won Wisconsin in 2020. He took Milwaukee County, a democratic stronghold, by getting nearly 70 percent of the vote.”

Newser: Dems Highlight Trump’s ‘Horrible’ Remark in Milwaukee Billboards

Key Point:Donald Trump was quoted as calling Milwaukee a ‘horrible city’ in remarks to Republican lawmakers Thursday, and Democrats want to make sure Milwaukeeans know about it. The Democratic National Committee is launching 10 billboards around the city with Trump’s face and the all-caps quote, ‘Milwaukee, where we are having our convention, is a horrible city,’ the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports. ‘The dislike is mutual—in 2020, Wisconsin handed Trump a one-way ticket back to exile in Mar-a-Lago and sent President Biden to the Oval Office,”’DNC spokesperson Addy Toevs said in a statement. ‘In November, they’ll do it again.’”

Milwaukee Record: DNC: Donald Trump says Milwaukee is a “horrible city.” The dislike is mutual.

Key Point: “Speaking to congressional Republicans on the Hill today, Donald Trump called Milwaukee a ‘horrible city.’

“The dislike is mutual – in 2020, Milwaukee County went for President Biden by around 40 points, helping to flip the state blue and send Joe Biden to the White House.”

MSNBC: MSNBC: Trump attacks Milwaukee; DNC Chair Jaime Harrison on the Reid Out

Key Point: DNC Chair Jamie Harrison: “You know Joy, it’s really amazing when you think about Donald Trump – the cities that he doesn’t like and the countries that he calls ‘asshole countries’ all have something in common: they have a lot of Black folks. […] It’s sad that he says that he hates Milwaukee. Well I guess Milwaukee hates him too, because in 2020, 70% of Milwaukee County voted for Joe Biden. And they’re gonna vote for Joe Biden again in this 2024 election. You know, we need a president that celebrates all of America and all of America’s diversity. Donald Trump has never done that and he will never do that.” 

MSNBC: MSNBC: DNC Chair Jaime Harrison joins MSNBC roundtable to discuss Trump’s “horrible city” comment

Key Point: DNC Chair Jamie Harrison: “This is a disaster for D0nald Trump and the Republican Party. […] Listen, I was in Milwaukee this last weekend, I marched in the Pride parade, I had a Black men’s roundtable, I had a roundtable with Latino citizens there about immigration, I visited churches. This is a remarkable city, a vibrant city, very very diverse, has a proud union background. So it is amazing how Donald Trump just stepped in this.”  

CNN: DNC launches billboards after Trump tells House Republicans Milwaukee is a ‘horrible city’

Key Point: “We also saw the Democrats jump on this immediately. The DNC is planning to put up billboards around Milwaukee this weekend with Donald Trump’s quote calling the city ‘horrible.’ […] I think this is just another moment where Donald Trump, he will say things, particularly in private, and people will be able to run with them after the fact.”

WTAQ: Reaction To Donald Trump Reportedly Calling Milwaukee a ‘Horrible City’

Key Point: “Former President Donald Trump reportedly called Milwaukee a “horrible city” during a private meeting with House Republicans Thursday.

Jake Sherman of Punchbowl News reported the comments, which came about a month before Trump is expected to receive the Republican presidential nomination at the party’s convention in Milwaukee.”

WDJT CBS 58: DNC launching billboards hitting Trump over Milwaukee comments

Key Point: “There’s more fallout from former president Donald Trump’s “horrible city” comment about Milwaukee. Now, the Democratic National Committee is seizing on it with a new ad campaign.”

WISN ABC 12: DNC launches Milwaukee billboards with Trump ‘horrible’ city comment

Key Point: “The Democratic National Committee wasting no time in blasting former president Donald Trump after reports that he called Milwaukee a ‘horrible city.’”

Scripps News: DNC launches 10 billboards in Milwaukee showcasing Trump’s “horrible city” comments

Key Point: “Former President Trump’s campaign is both denying and clarifying comments in which he reportedly disparaged the city of Milwaukee. […] And, the Democratic National Committee is hoping to draw attention to Trump’s comment by taking the message directly to the streets of Milwaukee. They plan to put up ten billboards on Milwaukee’s highways carrying the ‘horrible city’ quote.”

FOX6: Trump’s Milwaukee ‘horrible city’ controversy; will it sway voters?

Key Point: “It’s a message on ten billboards across Milwaukee. The Democratic National Committee cites Punchbowl News, which reported the former president said this: ‘Milwaukee, where we are having our convention, is a horrible city.’”