ICYMI: The Grio: Republican Impeachment Inquiry Against Biden Is a Trump-Inspired Farce
December 13, 2023

Key Point: “Neither the Justice Department (including during the administration of President Donald Trump), the FBI nor the media have ever found any evidence to back up allegations against Biden. … The GOP goal in investigating these trumped-up charges is clear: help their 2024 presidential nominee — most likely former President Trump — defeat Biden in the November election. … But instead of working to take up urgently needed legislation that Biden has proposed to deal with issues including aid for Israel and Ukraine, border security, voting rights, climate change, women’s reproductive rights, systemic racism, education, job creation, gun violence and more, Republicans are preparing to waste time and money on a senseless impeachment inquiry.”
The Grio: Republican impeachment inquiry against Biden is a Trump-inspired farce
By: Donna Brazile
- The Republican-controlled U.S. House is expected to vote this week on whether to authorize an impeachment inquiry against President Biden, even though there is no evidence he committed an impeachable offense and no chance the Senate will convict him and kick him out of office.
- The proposed Biden impeachment inquiry is a farce. Neither the Justice Department (including during the administration of President Donald Trump), the FBI nor the media have ever found any evidence to back up allegations against Biden.
- The GOP goal in investigating these trumped-up charges is clear: help their 2024 presidential nominee — most likely former President Trump — defeat Biden in the November election.
- Some 83 House Republicans and 10 Republican senators have endorsed Trump for another term in the White House, and more are sure to follow if he starts winning primaries and locks up the GOP nomination. These Trump worshippers are eager to do his bidding and jockey for his favor, fueling the House effort to impeach Biden on charges as phony as a $3 bill.
- In demanding Biden be impeached and making wild fact-free accusations against him, Trump is relying on the standard playbook he’s been using for decades.
- Congress is nearly paralyzed today by Republican obstructionism, hyper-partisanship and refusal to compromise on right-wing extremist proposals that GOP members demand become law.
- But instead of working to take up urgently needed legislation that Biden has proposed to deal with issues including aid for Israel and Ukraine, border security, voting rights, climate change, women’s reproductive rights, systemic racism, education, job creation, gun violence and more, Republicans are preparing to waste time and money on a senseless impeachment inquiry.
- Republicans will set a dangerous precedent if they open an evidence-free impeachment inquiry against Biden. We could see many more politicized inquiries and impeachments of presidents and other federal officials whenever the House of Representatives is controlled by one party and the White House is controlled by the other.
- We don’t elect members of Congress to prioritize partisanship over patriotism, baseless investigations over vital legislation, or blind loyalty to one man with dictatorial ambitions over loyalty to serving our country and the American people.
- Democrats will oppose the impeachment inquiry, and I hope enough Republicans show profiles in courage to reject it. The proposed inquiry is based on a foundation as solid as a soap bubble.