In 1 Week, the Trump Administration Restricts Green Card Holders, Fails to Reunite Families, & Treats Immigrants as Criminals

In one week, the Trump administration has failed to reunite families, treated immigrants as criminals, and most recently, announced new restrictions on green card holders for those on public aid. DNC Chair Tom Perez released the following statement:


“From separating families at the border to ending protections for Dreamers and Temporary Protected Status recipients, Donald Trump has taken every opportunity to attack and tear apart immigrant families. Now he’s targeting lower-income residents by making it harder for them to care for their children and contribute to their communities. The cruelty of this administration knows no bounds. Democrats believe diversity is our nation’s greatest strength, and we will continue to fight for dignity and opportunity for immigrant families.”


Here’s more of the latest from Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda over the past week alone:


More than 180 children remain separated from their parents, many of whom have already been deported.


MSNBC’s Jacob Soboroff: “BREAKING: New data from Trump administration on families it separated at border. ➡️ 182 kids *still* separated from parents. ➡️ 6 kids are under 5. ➡️ Parents of 141 already deported. ➡️ @ACLU says ‘communication breakdowns’ happening for some remaining reunifications.”


The Trump administration arrested immigrants who came forward to take care of immigrant children in government custody.


CNN: “Federal officers have arrested dozens of undocumented immigrants who came forward to take care of undocumented immigrant children in government custody, and the Trump administration is pledging to go after more.”


Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda has led to more arrests of immigrants with no criminal record.


NBC News: “Federal arrests of undocumented immigrants with no criminal record have more than tripled under President Donald Trump and may still be accelerating, according to an NBC News analysis of Immigration and Customs Enforcement data from his first 14 months in office.”


Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda has made women afraid to testify against abusers and made it more difficult to investigate and prosecute crimes.


NBC News: “Immigration crackdown makes women afraid to testify against abusers, experts warn”


NBC News: “Officials in several cities, including police chiefs and district attorneys, say that immigration enforcement operations inside courthouses have hampered their ability to investigate and prosecute crimes.”