In The Battlegrounds: Democrats Slam Trump’s Economic Failures Following State Jobs Report

Following the release of the September state jobs report, Democrats across the battlegrounds called out the economic devastation facing working families as a result of Donald Trump’s incompetent and chaotic pandemic response. See for yourself:

In Arizona: 

Arizona Democrats: “Arizona’s new unemployment numbers show that the unemployment situation in Arizona is getting worse, not better — a sad reflection of the economic disaster Trump has created. This economic reality in Arizona is yet another reminder that if Trump had taken the COVID-19 pandemic seriously from the start, Arizona families wouldn’t have to wonder how they’re going to put food on the table, afford their health care, pay their bills, or find a new job altogether.”

In Florida:

Florida Democrats: “This report shows us what so many Floridians already know: Donald Trump’s ‘V-shaped’ recovery is a figment of his imagination. Unlike Trump, who has thrown up his hands in defeat after failing to manage the pandemic, Joe Biden has a plan to beat back coronavirus, provide relief to jobless Floridians, and rebuild this economy.”

In Georgia:

Georgia Democrats: “Georgia’s unemployment rate is going up yet again, as hundreds of thousands of Georgians have lost their jobs, benefits, and health insurance in the middle of a global pandemic. We know it didn’t have to be this bad, and we know Donald Trump is squarely at fault for making this worse. We have two weeks to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, whose proven leadership will help us build back better and finally truly recover from this crisis.”

In Michigan: 

Michigan Democrats: “The latest jobs report confirms that Donald Trump mishandling of COVID-19 has failed us and caused an economic crisis in our state. After months of lying about the virus, downplaying its severity, and attacking Governor Whitmer for keeping our communities safe, we’ve been left with an economy in shambles as workers and small businesses struggle to get by. Donald Trump has been nothing but a disaster for our state and Michigan will hold him accountable at the ballot box.”

In Minnesota: 

Minnesota DFL: “The latest jobs numbers show job growth has slowed. Thousands of Minnesotans are still out of work as our country faces simultaneous public health and economic crises. It didn’t have to be this bad. President Trump admitted to downplaying the virus for his own political gain, all while hard working people pay the price. We need leaders in the White House who will lift up workers, provide our communities with the relief we so desperately need, and build back an economy that’s stronger, and more equitable, than ever before.”

In Nevada:

Nevada Democrats: “Today’s jobs numbers show that two weeks before Election Day, Nevada is facing one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation due to Trump’s disastrous coronavirus response. Of course, Nevadans already know how bad things are because they’ve been living with the consequences of Trump’s failures since the beginning. Nevada communities have been reeling from this crisis for months because Trump would rather make excuses and trash public health experts than actually implement an effective, national coronavirus response. Trump has proven himself incapable of meeting this moment and as a result, Americans are dying unnecessarily, working families are wondering how they will pay their bills, and hundreds of thousands of Nevadans are out of work.”

In New Hampshire:

New Hampshire Democrats: “For months, President Trump and his GOP allies have refused to even consider crucial relief funding proposed by Democrats in Congress, and the result is that tens of thousands of Granite State workers are still unemployed and hundreds of local small businesses have been permanently shuttered in the Trump economy. If you’re a friend or donor of Trump’s, he’s more than willing to find tax breaks and ways to boost your stock portfolio; if you’re a Granite Stater, you’re out in the cold with an anemic recovery that only the man who will go down as the worst jobs president in American history could produce.”

In North Carolina:

North Carolina Democrats: “That the unemployment rate has risen in North Carolina once again serves as another bleak reminder that this crisis is far from over. And yet, Donald Trump is still holding potential superspreader rallies in our own state while still having no plan to combat the virus or get Americans back to work safely. The American people have suffered for far too long because of Donald Trump’s reckless and irresponsible handling of the coronavirus. The only way to build back better and get our economy back on track is by electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. We can, we must, we will make progress and move our country forward, but first: you have to vote. Go to to make a plan to vote early.”

In Pennsylvania:

Pennsylvania Democrats: “We’re still in the midst of a historic recession, and more than eight percent of Pennsylvanians remain out of work because of President Trump’s broken promises and ineffective leadership. Thankfully, in less than two weeks we have a chance to elect Joe Biden — the only candidate in the race with a detailed plan to dig us out of this mess and help build our nation back better.”

In Texas: 

Texas Democrats: “We are in an economic disaster … millions of Americans have lost their jobs and hundreds of thousands of Americans have died. In Texas alone, 3.5 million Texans have had to file for unemployment since March and millions more remain unemployed … In every single way, every single day, Donald Trump, Greg Abbott, and every Texas Republican on the ballot has failed Texas.”

In Virginia: 

Virginia Democrats: “Today’s unemploment numbers show that more than half a year into the pandemic recession, Trump’s incompetent response to the virus and the absence of any real plan continues to leave Virginians behind. Virginians have been going to the polls and voting by mail in record numbers because they can’t wait to elect Joe Biden, a proven leader who has a plan to address the COVID health crisis and the economic recession caused by Trump’s failed response.”

In Wisconsin: 

Wisconsin Democrats: “The bottom line is that hardworking Wisconsin families are continuing to suffer because of Trump’s failed COVID-19 response. Now, when Wisconsinites need the most help, Trump has completely thrown in the towel in addressing the pandemic, and the Badger state is paying the price for his ineffective leadership. We deserve real leaders who are going to fight for us each and every day and take on the tough challenges — that’s clearly not Trump, and it’s why Wisconsinites are so excited to vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris by mail, early in person, and on November 3rd.”