In The Battlegrounds: New DNC Ad Slams Trump Over Failed Pandemic Response
October 8, 2020
Today the DNC War Room released a new television ad, “Had Enough?,” in Tampa, Florida; Las Vegas, Nevada; Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; and Green Bay, Wisconsin. The ad contrasts Trump’s claim at the last presidential debate that his administration has done a “great job” responding to the pandemic with the reality of his failed response, which has led to more than 212,000 American deaths and millions of job losses.
Here’s what they’re saying about the spot in the battlegrounds:
In Florida:
Florida Politics: DNC launches anti-Donald Trump ad in Tampa market blasting virus response. “The Democratic National Committee is launching a new ad in the Tampa Bay area hitting President Donald Trump on his COVID-19 response. The ad, entitled ‘Had enough?’ begins running in the Tampa market Thursday and is part of a six-figure ad buy, according to the DNC. The ad includes ominous data points about the virus including deaths and job losses. It comes the day after Vice President Mike Pence squared off with Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Kamala Harris Wednesday night in the pair’s first and only debate before the Nov. 3 election.”
In Nevada:
KLAS: FIRST LOOK: DNC to release new ad in Nevada ahead of Pence’s rally. “The Democratic National Committee will release a new ad ahead of Vice President Pence’s Thursday rally in Boulder City. The ad focuses on the Trump administration’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic … ‘Nevadans have lost their jobs, their lives, their loved ones, and any sense of normalcy. That’s not a ‘great job.’ It’s a devastating betrayal of Trump and Pence’s responsibility to keep people safe. Nevadans have had enough, and they’re putting this failed presidency to an end,’ said Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez.”
In Pennsylvania:
WHP: “The ad, from the Democratic National Committee, calls out the administration’s handling of the pandemic, saying the lack of response from the federal government was in part what led to more than 200,000 people dying from the virus across the nation. [DNC Director of Battleground State Communications David Bergstein]: ‘This ad just reinforces the fact that, no matter what Donald Trump or Vice President Pence says at their debates, it’s important that voters know the truth about their record of failure when it comes to dealing with COVID.’”
In Wisconsin:
UpNorthNews: Trump Pulls Wisconsin Ads as Democrats Prepare to Blitz Green Bay. “The Democratic National Committee on Thursday launched a new television ad campaign in the Green Bay-Appleton media market, a day after Buzzfeed News reported President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign is cancelling millions of dollars worth of ads in several midwestern swing states including Wisconsin.”