In the News: DNC Announces Largest-To-Date $15 Million Investment to Battleground State Parties

The DNC is doing the work on the ground to win

On Tuesday, as Republicans gathered during the Project 2025 Republican National Convention to fall in line behind Donald Trump, the Democratic National Committee announced the largest-ever investment to date made to battleground state parties – $15 million to state Democratic parties in battleground states like Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. The investments reinforce and expand Democrats’ unparalleled ground game, a pivotal factor in November’s election, as Republicans consistently fail to rival Democratic infrastructure in battleground states. 

Unlike Democrats, the Trump campaign and the Republican Party have failed to establish a formidable ground game in nearly every battleground state. While MAGA Republicans descend on Milwaukee to bend the knee to Trump’s Project 2025 agenda, Democrats are making connections where they count: with voters. These announced investments show Democrats’ commitment in action and continue to position President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and Democrats in critical races down the ballot to win this November. 

Here’s what Americans are seeing on local and national news:

In National News:

New York Times: D.N.C. Pours $15 Million Into State Parties in Top Battlegrounds

[By Nick Corasaniti, July 16, 2024] 

  • “This is the largest-ever investment made to battleground state parties at this point in time,” Jaime Harrison, the chair of the D.N.C., said in a statement. “And we continue to build our state-by-state war chests in preparation to re-elect President Biden and Vice President Harris in November.”

ABC News: DNC announces $15 million investment in swing-state parties at start of GOP convention

[By Tal Axelrod, July 16, 2024] 

  • The Democratic National Committee on Monday announced a $15 million investment in swing-state parties as it looks to beef up its campaign infrastructure in key battlegrounds.
  • From that bucket, nearly $1.5 million will go to the Arizona Democratic Party, nearly $1 million will go to the Georgia Democratic Party, nearly $2 million will go to the Michigan Democratic Party, over $1.2 will go to the North Carolina Democratic Party, over $2 million will go to the Nevada Democratic Party, nearly $2 million will go to the Pennsylvania Democratic Party, and nearly $3 million will go to the Wisconsin Democratic Party, according to plans shared first with ABC News.
  • Democrats’ coordinated campaign has so far opened 217 field offices across the battleground states and hired over 1,100 staffers, the DNC said in a press release.

AP: The Democratic National Committee says it’s investing $15 million in 7 swing state parties

[By  Will Weissert, July 16, 2024] 

  • Arizona Democratic Party chair Yolanda Bejarano said state officials and the Biden campaign opened a 15th coordinated campaign office in Arizona over the weekend, adding that, “This election is going to be won at the doors, talking to people about the issues that they care about.”
  • “This is perfect timing from my vantage point,” Bejarano said of the DNC investment. “We need the resources to do the work, to hire organizers, to have town halls across the state, to get the message out through media buys.”

The Hill: Democrats making early $15M infusion into battleground states

[By Lauren Sforza, July 16, 2024]

  • “Trump’s extreme agenda makes this the most consequential election of our lifetime. That’s why Democrats are leaving nothing to chance, investing heavily on the ground to ensure Joe Biden and Kamala Harris win this election,” Harrison said.
  • “This election is going to come down to operation and turnout in the battleground states, and that’s why we’ve made the largest-ever investment into battleground state parties at this point in the cycle. We’re going to win this election by engaging voters community-by-community, block-by-block, door-by-door. These investments show that commitment in action,” he added.

Washington Examiner: Democrats press ground game advantage with huge investment in swing states

[By Annabella Rosciglione, July 16, 2024]

  • The Democratic National Committee counterprogrammed Day 1 of the Republican National Convention with an announcement of its own. Democrats are investing $15 million in swing-state Democratic parties to set up field offices and apply more pressure to a Republican Party that has gone light on ensuring there is a ground presence to stir up voters.
  • “The Democrats’ operation is second to none and stronger than ever,” [Harrison]  added. “As MAGA Republicans hype up Donald Trump this week, it’s important to remember that Democrats are lightyears ahead of the RNC on the ground, where it actually matters. We’re going to win this election by engaging voters community-by-community, block-by-block, door-by-door.”

In Local News: 

Arizona Republic: DNC pours $1.5M into Arizona Democratic Party as Republicans convene in Milwaukee

[By Stephanie Murray, July 16, 2024] 

  • The Arizona Democratic Party will get a $1.5 million cash infusion from the Democratic National Committee, the party announced Monday.
  • “We all know that the road to the White House and the Senate majority and House majority, it all runs through Arizona,” state Democratic Party chair Yolanda Bejarano told The Arizona Republic. “Every single day will count.”
  • “We are going to be talking to people about what the Republicans are trying to do to our abortion rights, what they’re trying to do to our democracy, what they are trying to do to our immigrants,” Bejarano said, sharing details about which topics the ads will address. 
  • “We’ve always known that this is going to be a tough race, that it was going to be close. So we’re going to continue to do the work about the danger that Trump poses for us, and we’re going to just keep our head down and focus on talking to voters,” Bejarano said. 

KTAR: Democratic National Committee pumps money into battleground state Arizona

[By Staff, July 16, 2024]

  • The Democratic National Committee (DNC) announced nearly $1.5 million in investments in Arizona as part of its battleground state strategy for this year’s election.
  • “Democrats’ operation in Arizona is second to none and stronger than ever,” DNC Chair Jaime Harrison said in a press release Tuesday. “As MAGA Republicans hype up Donald Trump this week, it’s important to remember that Democrats are light years ahead of the RNC on the ground, where it actually matters.”
  • “We’re going to win this election by engaging voters community-by-community, block-by-block, door-by-door. We’re knocking on every door from Flagstaff to Nogales, Phoenix to Tucson and everywhere in between within the Grand Canyon State. These investments show that commitment in action.”

ABC News Chicago: DNC announces $15 million investment in swing-state parties

[By Tal Axelrod, July 16, 2024]

  • The Democratic National Committee on Monday announced a $15 million investment in swing-state parties as it looks to beef up its campaign infrastructure in key battlegrounds.

Orange County Register: The Democratic National Committee says it’s investing $15 million in 7 swing state parties

[By Associated Press, July 16, 2024]

  • Democrats are trying to offer political counterprograming to the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, announcing $15 million to fund campaign operations in seven key swing states — even as some in the party have urged President Joe Biden to bow out of November’s election.

Atlanta Journal Constitution: Democratic National Committee plans to spend nearly $1 million to boost candidates in Georgia

[By Greg Bluestein, July 16, 2024]

  • The Democratic National Committee said Tuesday it will pump nearly $1 million into the Democratic Party of Georgia to boost President Joe Biden and down-ticket candidates in the battleground state.
  • Biden defeated Trump by fewer than 12,000 votes in 2020 thanks to a coalition of Black Georgians, suburban swing voters and Republicans who couldn’t stomach their nominee.
  • Georgia Democrats say the RNC will help refashion the alliance by sharpening the contrast between Biden and Trump. Party leaders framed the new spending in Georgia as another sign that Biden’s campaign isn’t sidelining the state.
  • “No stone will be unturned, no city left behind in Georgia,” said DNC chair Jaime Harrison. “From Atlanta to Savannah, to Columbus to Augusta and everywhere in between. These investments show that commitment in action.”

WSBTV: DNC investing more than $15M in battleground states, nearly $1M here in GA

[By Scott Flynn, July 16, 2024]

  • As Republicans make their case to the country as to why former President Donald Trump should take over the White House, the Democratic National Committee has announced that they are investing more than $15 million in battleground states to help reelect Joe Biden. Nearly $1 million of that is coming to Georgia.
  • “In total, these investments will help allow the Democratic coordinated campaign to open more field offices and hire more staffers. So far, the Democratic coordinated campaign has 217 field offices across the battleground and employs more than 1,100 staffers with four months still to go before the election,” the DNC said in a news release.

MacComb Daily: DNC pumps $2 million into Michigan Democratic Party

[By Jameson Cook, July 16, 2024] 

  • The Democratic National Committee is pouring nearly $2 million to the Michigan Democratic Party in attempt to bolster efforts into this important swing state in this year’s election.

MLive: Biden, Trump court Michigan as DNC injects $2M into state party

[By Michael Kransz, July 17, 2024]

  • The Michigan Democratic Party is getting a nearly $2 million cash injection by the Democratic National Committee to open more field offices and hire more staff ahead of the presidential election.
  • Lavora Barnes, chair of the Michigan Democratic Party, said in a statement that the money will make a difference in securing Biden’s win.
  • “Michigan Democrats are running a world-class campaign operation that is second to none,” Barnes said. “With over 45 offices already open, we are connecting with voters in every corner of this state. This investment is going to help make the difference this November when Michigan sends Joe Biden and Kamala Harris back to the White House.”

PennLive News: DNC steers $15M to battleground states, including Pa.

[By J.D. Prose, July 16, 2024]

  • The Democratic National Committee is directing nearly $2 million to the Pennsylvania Democratic Party as part of a $15 million investment into battleground state parties.
  • The DNC told PennLive that the money for the Pennsylvania Democratic Party would help fund “the best coordinated campaign ground game and infrastructure that has ever been laid to this point in Pennsylvania.”
  • So far, there have been 36 Democratic coordinated campaign field offices opened in Pennsylvania with 100 staffers.

NC Newsline: National Democrats tout early spending on door-to-door campaigning in NC

[By Lynn Bonner, July 16, 2024]

  • The Democratic National Committee has spent $1.2 million in North Carolina so far for this election as part of its investment in swing states. 
  • “This is part of the largest ever investment made to battleground state parties at this point in time – $15 million in direct investment into battleground state parties – and we continue to build our war chests in preparation to re-elect President Biden and Vice President Harris in November,” DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison said in a statement. 
  • The money helps fund a coordinated campaign in North Carolina, where staffers promote the entire Democratic ticket. 

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: DNC announces a $3 million funding push into battleground Wisconsin

[By Jessie Opoien, July 16, 2024]

  • As the Republican National Convention kicked off in Milwaukee, the Democratic National Committee announced it will funnel nearly $3 million into Wisconsin to assist with the state party’s organizing efforts.
  • It’s part of a broader $15 million investment into battleground states less than four months ahead of the Nov. 5 election.
  • “As MAGA Republicans descend on Milwaukee to nominate a serial liar, cheater, and convicted felon in Donald Trump, Democrats are leaving nothing to chance and investing heavily in Wisconsin to ensure Joe Biden and Kamala Harris win this election,” DNC chair Jaime Harrison said in a statement. “This is part of the largest ever investment made to battleground state parties at this point in time … and we continue to build our war chests in preparation to re-elect President Biden and Vice President Harris in November.”