This week, the DNC’s “Build Back Better” bus tour stopped in Georgia and Texas, where local leaders touted President Biden’s success in bringing jobs back, securing a bipartisan infrastructure deal, and providing people in their communities with needed relief through the American Rescue Plan.

In San Antonio, Texas:
In Houston, Texas:
In Atlanta, Georgia:
Meanwhile, local leaders and outlets wrote about what the second round of monthly child tax credit payments means for working families in their states. Thanks to President Biden and Democrats, and no thanks to Republicans who unanimously blocked these cuts, 56% of families say receiving just the first monthly child tax credit payment in July reduced financial anxiety.
Local leaders also talked about how their communities would benefit from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal, a plan that would create millions of good-paying jobs and help American businesses grow by investing in our nation’s roads and highways, bridges and transit, our drinking water systems, broadband, and more. Thanks to President Biden’s leadership on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal, Wisconsin farmer and small business owner Nancy Kavazanjian said, “We’re on the road to improving Wisconsin’s infrastructure with a once-in-a-generation opportunity to make an investment in our businesses and our future.”