In the States: On Tax Day, Republicans Under Fire for Plan to Raise Taxes
April 19, 2022
On Tax Day yesterday, Americans in battleground states saw a consistent theme in their local headlines – Republicans want to raise taxes. Republicans’ plan could raise taxes on more than half of the country – including seniors, service members, and many working Americans.
Here’s a look at what they’re reading about Republicans’ tax plan in battleground states:
In Florida: Palm Beach Post Op-Ed: Rick Scott tax plan bad news for retirees
- “Rubio and Scott represent more seniors than almost any other U.S. Senator. But instead of backing plans to deal with the real problems retirees are facing — from high healthcare costs to rising rent to fraud schemes targeting seniors — they’re leaving us behind.”
In North Carolina: IndyWeekly Op-Ed: On Tax Day, a Look At Who Really Wants to Raise Taxes on Working Families
- “On Tax Day this year, I can’t help but wonder why Republicans are calling inflation a ‘gold mine,’ voting against legislation to bring down insulin prices, and proposing tax plans to raise taxes on nearly 40 percent of North Carolinians.”
In Wisconsin: Up North News: Ron Johnson says GOP plan to raise taxes, eliminate social security “a positive thing”
- “In a recent appearance on Breitbart News, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson described a legislative plan drafted by the Senate Republican tasked with winning back the upper chamber, Senator Rick Scott (FL-R), as ‘a positive thing’ and acknowledged he agreed with ‘most of’ Scott’s 11 point plan. A positive thing? Let’s break it down: Scott’s 11 point plan to Rescue America would… Increase taxes by more than $1 trillion dollars over ten years on ‘more than half of Americans,’ raising taxes on 32% of Wisconsinites.”
In Wisconsin: CBS Madison: Republicans Pushing to Raise WI Taxes 32%
In Wisconsin: Fox Green Bay: Tax Day Rally Outside of Sen. Ron Johnson’s Office