Latest Trumpcare CBO Score Winners and Losers

Yesterday, the Congressional Budget Office released their analysis of Trumpcare and the facts are in: 23 million Americans could lose their care—including 14 million who would suffer at the hands of the bill’s $834 billion cut to Medicaid, all while wealthy Americans and corporations receive a billions in tax cuts. Here are the winners are losers from the latest score:


Losers of Trump’s Plan:  


  •  Low Income Americans: “Losers would include poor Americans who use Medicaid, as 14 million fewer people would be in the program after 10 years.”


  • Older Americans: “CBO: Republican Health Care Bill Raises Premiums For Older, Poor Americans By As Much As 850%”


  • Sick Americans And Those With Pre-Existing Conditions: “In the minority of states it predicted would pursue broad waivers of Obamacare’s insurance regulations, the office said that sick customers would face far higher prices and many would be priced out of the market altogether.”


  • Women: “About one-third of Americans live in states that would likely make more modest changes to their insurance rules, such as excluding a few specific benefits that are mandatory under Obamacare or allowing insurers to charge consumers extra for ‘riders’ to cover those benefits. A maternity coverage rider, for example, might increase premiums by more than $1,000 a month, the CBO estimated.”



  • Americans From States With Republican Governors: “If states were approved for a waiver, insurers wouldn’t have to cover a list of 10 categories of services and could charge consumers more money based on their health status… But the CBO projects that at least one-sixth of the population lives in states that would obtain both waivers. It did not specify which states, but they are most likely to be ones with Republican governors and state legislatures. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has already expressed interest in the waivers.”


Winners of Trump’s Plan:


  • Millionaires and Billionaires like Donald Trump: “The beneficiaries here are the rich: ‘The largest increases in the deficit would come from repealing or modifying tax provisions in the ACA that are not directly related to health insurance coverage — such as repealing a surtax on net investment income, repealing annual fees imposed on health insurers, and reducing the income threshold for determining the tax deduction for medical expenses.’ These taxes fall largely on the richest taxpayers.”


  • Corporations: “The largest increases in the deficit would come from the repeal of the penalties under the individual and employer mandate ($210 billion) and from repeal of various taxes on wealthy people and corporations and modification of various tax preferences ($662 billion, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation).”