LOCAL NEWS: Across the Country, Roe Anniversary Puts Trump’s Abortion Bans on Blast

In the lead-up to today’s anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Americans across the country read coverage and opinion pieces in their local papers of Donald Trump’s role in overturning the landmark decision and ripping away women’s freedoms. In news nationwide, the contrast is on stark display as President Biden and Vice President Harris reaffirm their fierce commitment to protecting women’s reproductive rights in the wake of Trump and MAGA Republicans’ push for a national abortion ban. 

Take a look at what Americans are reading:

In Arizona:The Copper Courier: With freedoms on the line, Arizonans can’t afford another Trump abortion ban | Opinion

Key Point: “This shouldn’t be the Arizona we’re living in, where our freedom to make our own healthcare choices is relentlessly attacked and ripped away from us, but it is — thanks to Donald Trump and Arizona Republicans like Kari Lake, who praised the overturning of Roe. … Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, on the other hand, have championed an unwavering defense of our freedoms and right to privacy by calling on Congress to codify Roe and vowing to veto any national abortion ban that comes to the president’s desk. The contrast between President Biden and Donald Trump couldn’t be clearer: Trump would strip away Arizonans’ rights while President Biden is fighting to protect them. The stakes for our freedoms are high, but Arizonans will once again reject Trump this November.”

In Florida:Miami Herald: After Roe decision, Floridians are ready to reject GOP abortion bans | Opinion

Key Point: “Now, they’re ready to go even further. Scott and Trump would ban abortion nationwide, and they’ve laid out concrete plans to stop women in all 50 states from accessing medication abortion. Here in Florida, Republicans have introduced what is essentially a total abortion ban, with no exceptions for rape or incest… The only way to stop this all-out attack on our freedoms is by reelecting the only two candidates in the presidential race who have demonstrated bold leadership in the fight to restore the protections of Roe and stop these dangerous Republican attacks to protect our right to privacy, President Biden and Vice President Harris. We need leaders at every level who know that the government has no place in the private conversations a woman has with her doctor.”In Florida:El Nuevo Herald: En el 51 aniversario de Roe, los floridanos rechazan la prohibición nacional al aborto | Opinión

Key Point: “Ahora están preparados para ir aún más lejos. Scott y Trump prohibirían el aborto en todo el país y han presentado planes concretos para impedir que las mujeres en los 50 estados accedan al aborto con medicamentos. Aquí en Florida, los republicanos introdujeron una prohibición total del aborto sin excepciones por violación o incesto… La única manera de detener este ataque frontal a nuestras libertades es reelegir a los dos únicos candidatos en la contienda presidencial que han demostrado un liderazgo incansable en la lucha para restaurar las protecciones de Roe; y para proteger así nuestro derecho a la privacidad: el presidente Biden y la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris.”

In Florida:Tampa Bay Times: As MAGA Republicans push extreme abortion bans, Florida women’s freedoms are on the ballot | Opinion

Key Point: “Our work here has just begun as Floridians continue to fight for our rights, and we’re proud to have champions in President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris who are committed to safeguarding our freedoms from Trump and any Republicans’ national abortion ban plans. Since Republicans gutted Roe, 14 states have completely banned abortion and many more states have enacted extreme bans, directly impacting one in three women of reproductive age. But the Biden/Harris administration is committed to collaborating with states and organizations throughout the country to find solutions and protect women and families from the needless suffering caused by cruel GOP policy.”

In Georgia:Atlanta Journal-Constitution: The Jolt

Key Point: “Biden today will convene a meeting of his Interagency Task Force on Reproductive Healthcare Access and highlight his efforts to protect access to abortion and contraception. The gathering coincides with the 51st anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision that long protected the right to abortion. The court’s June 2022 overturning of the landmark ruling paved the way for restrictive laws in Georgia and other Republican-led states to take effect. The president’s message invokes votes in Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan and Ohio that rejected attempts to limit abortion, and accuses Republicans of pushing for ‘devastating new restrictions’ in Congress. … The Biden campaign is also releasing a new ad blaming Trump for picking three conservative justices who voted to reverse the abortion protections. The spot will run in battleground states and nationally during TV programming that attracts young, female audiences, including the season premiere of ‘The Bachelor’ and on networks such as Bravo and HGTV.”

In Iowa:Des Moines Register: Republicans seek national abortion ban, threatening women’s health and freedom | Opinion

Key Point: “The attacks from this GOP field on women’s health aren’t medically sound, and these presidential contenders have used every opportunity to spread dangerous misinformation about reproductive health care and attack the rights of women to make their own health care decisions. For example, former president Donald Trump brags about “killing” Roe v. Wade and takes credit for abortion bans. Trump once threatened punishment for women who receive care. This anti-reproductive freedom agenda is deeply dangerous for women and care providers in Iowa and every state across the country.”In Michigan:The Gander: Michiganders protected abortion after Roe. Republicans are plotting a reversal.

Key Point: “With President Joe Biden in the White House, Whitmer behind the governor’s desk, and Democrats in charge of the US House and both chambers of the Michigan legislature, Michiganders’ reproductive rights have never been more protected than they are today. … Anti-abortion Republicans are hoping to regain complete control of Congress in 2025, and a second Trump term could lead to sweeping, nationwide restrictions on abortion care.”

In Nevada:Las Vegas Sun: Nevada is a safe haven for reproductive care. If Trump has his way, it won’t be for much longer | Opinion

Key Point: “President Biden and Vice President Harris are the leaders that we need in the White House because they’re committed to expanding our rights — not restricting them. A vote for Trump is a vote for a national abortion ban — harming women in every state, including Nevada. Electing President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Democrats down the ballot is the only way to safeguard their hard-won rights. Women’s reproductive freedoms hang in the balance of November’s elections, and we must vote accordingly.”In New Hampshire:Union Leader: Rep. Alexis Simpson: Women’s freedom is under attack in NH and Trump is to blame | Opinion

Key Point: “Trump, Haley, and DeSantis have told us over and over who they really are — and we need to believe them. They’ve only doubled down on their calls for national abortion bans during their campaigns, and we must trust that they’ll follow through if elected president. And if that happens, it’s New Hampshire women who will pay the price. … This November, I hope Granite Staters will join me in rejecting Trump and Republicans’ extreme abortion bans and reelecting President Biden and Vice President Harris: champions for our freedoms.”

In North Carolina:Reflector: Anderson Clayton: Remember who banned reproductive rights: Trump | Opinion

Key Point: “The stakes couldn’t be higher this November — for women, for young people, for every North Carolinian who values their freedom. The only way to protect our rights from Trump’s bans is to send President Biden and Vice President Harris back to the White House. From now through Election Day, the North Carolina Democratic Party will be knocking on doors, making phone calls, and showing up in every corner of the state — from Greenville to Asheville and everywhere in between — to give voters the tools they need to reject Trump and Republicans’ anti-freedom agenda at the ballot box.”

In Pennsylvania:Philadelphia Citizen: We Must Talk About Abortion | Opinion

Key Point: “Thanks to the leadership of PA Democrats, women in our state — so far — have largely been protected from these cruel attacks on reproductive rights that Donald Trump and his allies have lodged across the country. Pennsylvanians are fierce defenders of our freedoms, and while we are protected for now in PA, women in states across the country do not have the same autonomy. If Trump is re-elected, those very freedoms will be at an even greater risk, perhaps even at a national level. … This November, we must fight to protect the fundamental values Pennsylvanians hold dear — just like we did in 2020 and every year since. Pennsylvanians will stand up against Trump’s extreme and dangerous plans for our country by sending President Biden and Vice President Harris back to the White House so they can continue fighting for us and for our freedoms.”

In Wisconsin:Cap Times: Trump attacks women’s freedom; Wisconsinites are ready to defend it | Opinion

Key Point: “I urge all of you to join me in advocating with your state and federal elected officials, voting to elect people who will protect our rights, and speaking up for justice. Wisconsinites will fight like hell for our freedoms, and we know that the Biden-Harris ticket is the only ticket in the 2024 presidential race that will fight alongside us. If we want to stop Trump’s extreme abortion bans, we’ve got to stand with Biden and Harris this November.”