LOCAL NEWS YEAR IN REVIEW: President Biden and Democrats Delivered Big for Working Families

This year, President Biden and congressional Democrats took office and quickly delivered for the American people while helping our country recover from a once in a generation pandemic and corresponding economic crisis. In 2021 alone, Democrats passed both the American Rescue Plan and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law – two of the most important pieces of legislation in decades that will rebuild our economy from the bottom up and middle out. 

In local news across the country, Americans have spent the last year reading about how President Biden and Democrats have delivered big for working families. Here’s just a small sampling of what they’ve been reading this year:

THE AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN: President Biden and congressional Democrats’ American Rescue Plan put money in pockets of working families, funded our vaccination program, and kick started our economic recovery. 

Across local front pages:

On local TV:

In local headlines:

PRESIDENT BIDEN’S BIPARTISAN INFRASTRUCTURE LAW: President Biden and congressional Democrats accomplished what Donald Trump and Republicans never could: they worked across the aisle to pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law that will rebuild roads and bridges, replace lead pipes, and create good-paying jobs. 

On front pages:

Democrats barnstormed the country with events to tout the law:

In Pennsylvania:

In North Carolina:

In Georgia:

In Ohio:

In Arizona:

In Michigan:

In Wisconsin:

In local headlines:

ECONOMY BACK ON TRACK: Thanks to President Biden’s swift action, nearly 6 million jobs have been created, over 200 million Americans are vaccinated, and average weekly unemployment claims are the lowest since 1969. Americans have more money in their pockets – retail sales are up by $90 billion and the US is on pace for the fastest economic growth in 40 years.

In local headlines:
