MAGA Hot Mic: Florida Senator Marco Rubio
September 23, 2022

Just when you think you’ve seen the last of it, here comes Marco Rubio with more anti-choice rhetoric. For the third time, MAGA Hot Mic honors falls on U.S. Senator of Florida Marco Rubio.
Marco Rubio said abortion ban exceptions for health reasons are “a massive loophole.”
VICE: “In a virtual town hall Monday, Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio seemed to compare abortion to vehicular manslaughter.”
VICE: “In his comments, captured on video obtained by VICE News, Rubio also said that abortion ban exceptions meant to protect the health of pregnant people are ‘a massive loophole.’”
Marco Rubio has made it clear he supports an abortion ban with no exceptions for rape and incest. He also believes we should protect life “from the moment of conception to the moment of birth,” a stance that could pave the way to ban certain forms of birth control like IUDs.
Independent: “Republican Senator Marco Rubio of Florida said in an interview that he does not support abortion in the cases of rape and incest in an interview Thursday evening.”
NBC News: “Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., told CBS 4 Miami that ‘we should be protecting innocent human life from the moment of conception’…”
The Nation: “Rubio’s extreme social conservatism is not a good fit for Florida voters who are focusing on the abortion issue. A July University of South Florida poll found that 57 percent of Floridians disagree with the Supreme Court decision to undermine abortion rights.”
This is all coming from a cosponsor for a bill that would ban abortions in all 50 states and allow states to further restrict access to reproductive health care.
Politico: “Rubio is embracing Graham’s federal abortion ban.”
Politico: “Earlier this year, Florida enacted a ban on abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, but unlike Graham’s bill, it does not provide for exceptions for rape or incest. The legislation, however, would allow states to enact stricter restrictions. But Rubio’s public support of the federal legislation all but ensures abortion will remain a top issue in Florida’s Senate race.”
Marco Rubio and the Republican Party are committed to restricting women’s decisions about their own bodies. With less than 50 days until the midterms, Republicans continue to remind voters their reproductive freedom is on the ballot in November.