MAGA Hot Mic: Kevin McCarthy’s “Commitment” to Ban Abortion Nationally
September 30, 2022

Vanity Fair: “Republicans Double Down on Obliterating Abortion Rights in ‘Commitment to America’ Agenda”
Today’s MAGA Hot Mic honors fall on House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy’s anti-choice “Commitment to America” agenda.
That’s right: If Republicans take control, they will push for a national abortion ban. Don’t believe us? Take a look at McCarthy’s website.
McCarthy’s extreme plan is the culmination of a decades-long effort by congressional Republicans to ban abortion nationally. In fact, Kevin McCarthy himself has said that he would “support” a nationwide ban. Just last year, 123 House Republicans signed onto Congressman Mike Kelly’s draconian ban with no exceptions for rape or incest — and some Republicans say they’re confident that a GOP majority would “most definitely” pass a national abortion ban.
Vanity Fair: “Representative Don Bacon told [Axios] he believes leadership will put a 15-week abortion ban on the floor for a vote and that it will ‘pass, most definitely.’”
NPR Pittsburgh: “Western Pa. congressman’s federal abortion-ban proposal gains support after Supreme Court ruling”
CNN: “McCarthy told CNN he backs legislation to codify a 15-week [national] ban on abortion, saying: ‘I’d support that.’”
Kevin McCarthy is 100% “committed” to pushing an extreme, anti-choice agenda that is wildly out of step with the American people. That’s the real GOP agenda.