MAGA Hot Mic: Pennsylvania GOP Lt. Gubernatorial Nominee Carrie DelRosso
November 3, 2022

Carrie DelRosso: “Many women calling my office screaming. They’re emotional voters. […] I don’t think they’re gonna vote. […] They yell and scream, and they forget to go to the polls.”
Today’s MAGA Hot Mic honors fall on Pennsylvania’s Republican lieutenant gubernatorial nominee Carrie DelRosso.
In a newly unearthed recording, Carrie DelRosso called pro-choice voters “emotional.”
WESA: “But as for abortion, she urged supporters canvassing for the ticket, ‘Don’t go down that hole.’ She said she had ‘many women calling my office screaming. They’re emotional voters.’ But, she said, ‘I don’t think they’re gonna vote. … They yell and scream, and they forget to go to the polls.’”
Let’s be clear – women showing concern over restrictions to their right to make their own health care decisions is not emotional, especially when DelRosso’s running mate, Doug Mastriano, called for women to be charged with murder for having an abortion under his proposed ban.
New York Times: “Doug Mastriano, the far-right Republican nominee for governor in Pennsylvania, indicated in 2019 that women should be charged with murder if they violated a proposed abortion ban, a comment that Democrats on Tuesday highlighted as another example of Mr. Mastriano’s embrace of policies that are well outside the political mainstream.”
Forbes: “Asked whether that meant he was saying yes, he does believe people would be charged with murder, Mastriano responded, ‘Yes, I am.’”
Make no mistake: DelRosso and Mastriano both have extreme records on abortion. Take a look at their track record:
Pittsburgh City Paper: “[DelRosso] Voted to pass a bill including an amendment declaring abortion is not a constitutional right, co-sponsored a bill to require a funeral or cremation for abortion remains.”
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: “During an April debate, Mastriano called legal abortion ‘a national catastrophe’ and promised to push his six-week abortion ban if elected governor. He has also voiced support for punishing doctors who perform the procedure. ‘It’s going to be a crime as governor,’ he said during the televised forum.”
Philadelphia Inquirer Editorial: “Republican gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano is all-in on outlawing abortion in Pennsylvania. In the spring, Mastriano said abortion was his ‘No. 1 issue.’ If elected, Mastriano promised to ‘move with alacrity’ to ban abortion after about six weeks into a pregnancy.”
Philadelphia Inquirer Editorial: “‘I don’t give a way for exceptions,’ Mastriano said. Mastriano dismissed a pregnant person’s right to choose what to do with their own body, saying: ‘My body, my choice is ridiculous nonsense.’”
This is what’s at stake. Carrie DelRosso, Doug Mastriano, and Republicans across the country have made clear they are more concerned with their extreme, anti-abortion agendas than the reproductive health of their own constituents. Americans cannot afford this dangerous agenda.