MAGA Hot Mic: Wisconsin GOP Attorney General Nominee Eric Toney
October 18, 2022

For the second time, Wisconsin’s Republican nominee for attorney general, Eric Toney, picks up MAGA Hot Mic honors.
We called out Toney the first time for refusing to rule out weaponizing Department of Justice resources to prosecute abortions — even in cases of rape and incest.
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “Eric Toney, Wisconsin’s Republican candidate for attorney general, said he wouldn’t rule out using Department of Justice resources to prosecute abortions, even in cases of rape and incest.”
Toney has now taken his anti-choice extremism a step further by suggesting that district attorneys should have the power to cross county lines to prosecute reproductive health care.
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “First, Wisconsin’s Republican attorney general candidate Eric Toney suggested the Department of Justice prosecute cases in Milwaukee. Now, he would like to give district attorneys the power to cross county lines to prosecute abortion cases.”
Eric Toney: “We need to give our attorney general the authority to prosecute. They already would have the technical authority to investigate it… And I think another approach would be allowing for adjoining counties to be able to investigate and enforce that abortion ban in Wisconsin.”
You read that right. Eric Toney — the extreme Republican running for chief law enforcement officer in the state of Wisconsin — wants to expand prosecutors’ powers to cross county lines to prosecute doctors for providing reproductive health care, and enforce an abortion ban that was passed before women even had the right to vote.
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “During an interview on WKOW 27 Sunday, Toney… reiterated he would defend abortion laws passed by the GOP-run state Legislature.”
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “The 1849 ban, which originated before the Civil War and at a time when Wisconsin women did not have the right to vote, would ban nearly all abortions in the state, including in cases of rape and incest.”
Republicans like Eric Toney have made clear that they are hellbent on enforcing abortion bans in their state. Wisconsin voters simply do not want the GOP’s dangerous agenda.